Friday 13 March 2015

tummy pouch


Knowing the truth behind the state of your health helps in choosing the  best method of weight loss since Losing belly fat goes beyond vanity purposes.
Excess belly fat could be an indicator of heart disease, type 2 diabetes, insulin resistance, and some cancers. If dieting and exercising haven't done much to reduce your pouch, then other natural and  genetic factors may be the cause.
Why belly fat may be harder to get rid of than you think:
Old age: Aging comes with its own setbacks and therefore can be a reason why your exercises and dieting may not be doing much for you. Knowing everything about your health would help streamline exercises and diets to these that suit each health type.
Wrong work out routines: Most people work out daily with little or nothing to show for it. This is because they don’t know the cause of their abdominal fat and the exercises that are tailored to suit that situation.
Too much processed food: In modern times, there seem to be more processed foods than fresh foods. They may seem easier to consume but have their own damaging effects. Those with belly fat issues should avoid these foods at all costs.
Know your health:  This point can never be over emphasised. Belly fat can be due to health complications or wrong eating; individuals with heart problems won’t be expected to jog and as such are to do a different set of exercise routines and so on.
Eating the wrong fats: Fat comes in different forms and through different sources. Some of such sources could be red meat, chicken, sugar etc. A middle aged adult with heart problems should not be eating red meat as a stage two diabetic patient who should not be taking sugar.
Challenging work out routines: Most people actually work out just to feel like they are working on themselves and most of the time, these exercises are not challenging enough to suit their health challenges. Also lack of discipline could play a major role.


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