Monday 29 September 2014

The whole subject of entrepreneurship has become much more popular in recent years. There have appeared many self-employed people, entrepreneurs and business-people. However, just becoming an entrepreneur (i.e. setting up a business) does not automatically mean your success. What do you have to do to be a successful entrepreneur? What actions should you take? What personality traits should be dominant in you to achieve success in entrepreneurship? These are the questions we will answer in this article so that you will be able to become a successful entrepreneur.

Decision to seriously engage in entrepreneurship. This is always the first step. The magical trigger of the whole process. You cannot move on unless you decide to become an entrepreneur.

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    Plan: You must plan your business. What are you going to do? You will never be productive without a plan.
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    Sticking to the plan and implementing it: This point is as important as having the plan. You must stick to what you decided to do. No matter what, the below traits may be helpful in it.
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    Certain characteristics (qualities[1]). You must have certain traits to be a successful entrepreneur. This is persistence, power of will, patience, being hard-working. You can develop these traits if you feel you don't have them.
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    Learning from your own mistakes and from mistakes of other people.


  1. An entrepreneur, been a risk taker must posses all the qualities of as good entrepreneur needs and should also in all learn from his/her own and other people's mistake.

  2. Idowu oluwabunmi nice post it encouragious
