culled from:believe.com
God has great plans for us to give a bright future filled with hope. When God puts desires in our heart to carry out in our life, we have to move forward in faith; but fear always comes against us when we try new things. This is the way devil tries to keep us from moving forward - through fear.
We have to choose boldness because God wants us to be bold, confident, and courageous. God does not want us to live timid, shy, weak, fearful, or boring lives. He wants us to be fearless to try new things and when we step out in faith doing new things, God will back us up to give us the victory.
For example in the Bible, after Moses died, God said to Joshua to take the people into the Promised Land, which was a huge task for him and obviously fear must have come upon him. This is the reason, God said again and again to Joshua “Be strong and of good courage.” God does not want Joshua to be paralyzed by fear, but thank God, Joshua pressed past his fears and stood on God’s Word to bring the people to the Promised Land. We should always choose boldness knowing and believing that God is with us.
God’s Word stirs us up from within and gives us holy boldness to move forward. When we step into what God has for us, His anointing makes the impossible possible. The Bible says in I John 2:27 that His anointing permanently abides in us. We have to be bold enough to follow God’s Word instead of allowing fear and worry in us, and God will prove Himself to us.
It is a great privilege to live according to God’s Word and the desires He has planted in our heart instead of just living by what our circumstances say. If you are fearful for a new change, then you miss the mark what God has for you; just think back what God has done for you and that will put you to confidence and you will celebrate the ways He has worked in your life.
You may think there is no way to happen, but with God all things are possible. If you have a strong unction inside you, then go ahead and step out in faith. Don’t let other people make your decisions. Take your own decision to follow God’s destiny and be bold, God will back you up. Everything is going to set right when God backs you up. CHOOSE BOLDNESS!
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