Thursday 19 February 2015


Method 1 of 3: Recognizing Breeds of Dragon

  1. Train Your Dragon (Fantasy Play) Step 1.jpg
    Train a Basic Brown. The Basic Brown is one of the most common dragon species. It also one of the least dangerous dragons, making it a good choice for training or keeping as a family pet. The basic brown is fully herbivorous -- which means it doesn't eat meat.
    • Basic Browns are medium-sized dragons which come in all shades of brown. They have prickly spines all the way down their back and tail and have regular-sized teeth and claws.
    • Basic Browns are not particularly good hunters, but they can be very fast when they need to. In general, they are not aggressive, but they can fight well when angry.

    1. Train Your Dragon (Fantasy Play) Step 2.jpg
      Train a Gronkle. Gronkles are boulder class dragons, remarkable for their laziness and stupidity. They are very slow movers -- especially the fatter ones -- and sometimes have difficulty getting into the air. Despite this, Gronkles can be pretty fearsome in battle, thanks to their enormous strength.
      • Gronkles are medium-sized dragons with bulky bodies that come in various muddy shades of brown, green and beige. They have an impressive range of armory, including dagger-like fangs, thick, fire-proof skin and a spiky, clubbed tail. However, the Gronkle's most fearsome feature is its ability to shoot molten lava instead of breathing fire.
      • Gronkles are often very cranky, but they can almost be sweet-natured towards their rider and hatchlings. This makes them relatively easy to train.[1]
    2. Train Your Dragon (Fantasy Play) Step 3.jpg
      Train a Driller-Dragon. Driller-Dragons are pretty fearsome-looking, so they are often trained as guard dragons to protect Viking dwellings.
      • Driller-Dragons are always black in color and have a huge horn on the end of their nose which rotates at dangerously high speeds. This drill-like horn can cut through materials like wood and rock with alarming ease.
      • Driller-Dragons do not have many distinctive features, aside from their huge horn. They are not particularly intelligent and their small brain is housed in a bump on top of their heads, which resembles a large pimple. However, Driller-Dragons are very loyal and can respond well to training.
    3. Train Your Dragon (Fantasy Play) Step 4.jpg
      Train an Electricsquirm. The Electricsquirm is an example of a nanodragon -- a very small dragon that still packs a punch! The Electricsquirm conducts an electric current which gives a powerful shock to anyone who touches it.
      • The Electricsquirm is transparent in color, but glows with a white or yellow light when producing electricity. The only place you can touch an Electricquirm without getting a shock is its tail -- which is an important point to remember during training. Picking up an Electricsquirm by its tail will also prevent it from biting you, as it can be quite prone to nipping.
      • Despite their small size, Electricsquirms are a very useful dragon, as their glowing body can be used as a light source in the absence of candles or torches.
    4. Train Your Dragon (Fantasy Play) Step 5.jpg
      Train a Monstrous Nightmare. Monstrous Nightmares are huge, terrifying dragons that are very fast and very aggressive. They can be extremely difficult to train, so only experienced dragon trainers should attempt it.
      • The Monstrous Nightmare has red, purple or silver scales,and corresponding wings and spikes. They have large teeth and extendable claws, and a slightly poisonous bite. The Monstrous Nightmare's most impressive skill, however, is its ability to coat itself in spit and then light the spit on fire -- turning the dragon into a terrifying fireball.
      • If you can manage to train them, Monstrous Nightmares are a fantastic asset -- they are ferocious in battle and make excellent hunters. Some good training tips include clamping the Nightmare's mouth shut to disarm its poisonous fangs and fireball ability, pinning its horns to the ground (which is seems to enjoy) and above all, treating the Monstrous Nightmare with the respect it deserves.
    5. Train Your Dragon (Fantasy Play) Step 6.jpg
      Train a Raptortongue. The Raptortongue is a shy and mysterious dragon species whose major skill is the ability to almost completely flatten their bodies, so they can fit through even the smallest of spaces. This is made possible by their triple-jointed ribs.
      • Raptortongues are chameleons, so their color changes depending on the background they are trying to blend in with. They grow to about the size of a lion and have regular-sized fangs and talons.
      • The Raptortongue's ability to squeeze into small spaces and blend in with its surroundings (combined with its speed and radar capabilities) make it an excellent spy dragon -- perfect for sending into enemy camps to retrieve objects or information!
    6. Train Your Dragon (Fantasy Play) Step 7.jpg
      Train a Sabre-Tooth Driving Dragon. The Sabre-Tooth Driving Dragon is a relatively large dragon (about twice the size of a lion) that is trained primarily to pull Viking sleighs during the winter.
      • Driving Dragons are completely white in color, with large pointed spikes protruding from their heads and two terrifying sabre teeth. Sabre-Tooth Driving Dragons are evergreen, which means that they don't need to hibernate during winter.
      • Driving Dragons are a little bit unpredictable -- although they don't move too quickly, they are very strong and can be aggressive during a fight. Several Driving Dragons are reported to have eaten their owners, so train with care!
    7. Train Your Dragon (Fantasy Play) Step 8.jpg
      Train a Sniffer Dragon. For beginner trainers, the Sniffer Dragon is an excellent choice -- they are extremely gentle and non-aggressive, making them the perfect companions or family pets.
      • The Sniffer Dragon is a pale aquamarine in color. This dragon's most distinctive physical feature is its huge, hairy nose, which gives the Sniffer Dragon its fantastic sense of smell.
      • Although these dragons are not good fighters, their highly-tuned sense of smell makes Sniffer Dragons excellent trackers -- so they can be used to sniff out enemies or find any lost friends.
    8. Train Your Dragon (Fantasy Play) Step 9.jpg
      Train a Night Fury. Night furies are the rarest of all known dragon species. They are extremely intelligent, displaying significant tactical skills in battle and a great curiosity for learning new things.
      • The Night Fury is blue-ish black in appearance with piercing yellow eyes. Its body is more streamlined than other species and it has the largest wing-to-body ratio of any dragon, making it an excellent flier, in terms of both speed and precision. The Night Fury uses echolocation to find its way in the dark, making it extra deadly at night.
      • The only way to train a Night Fury is to earn its trust and respect, which can be extremely difficult. However, once that trust and respect has been gained, the Night Fury is fiercely loyal and protective of his trainer and will defend them at all costs. The Night Fury can also be quite playful and mischievous once it becomes comfortable with its trainer.[2]
    9. Train Your Dragon (Fantasy Play) Step 10.jpg
      Avoid untrainable species of dragon. Some dragon species are simply too dangerous or difficult to train and should be avoided at all costs. Some examples include:
      • Exterminator dragons: These are large, terrifying dragons with transparent skin that displays their internal organs (including their two hearts). Exterminators can lay waste to entire landscapes with their fire and enjoy killing for the sake of killing.
        Train Your Dragon (Fantasy Play) Step 10Bullet1.jpg
      • Skullions: Skullions are an unusual species of dragon in that they can't see, hear or fly (they have no wings). However, they have an acute sense of smell and a lust for blood that makes them highly dangerous and untrainable.
        Train Your Dragon (Fantasy Play) Step 10Bullet2.jpg
      • Doomfangs: Doomfangs are terrifyingly large dragons that live in the sea, with black scales and hypnotic green eyes. They breathe strange blue flames that kill by freezing rather than burning. The Doomfang is a dangerous predator and should be avoided at all costs.[3]
        Train Your Dragon (Fantasy Play) Step 10Bullet3.jpg

    Method 2 of 3: Training Your Dragon

    1. Train Your Dragon (Fantasy Play) Step 11.jpg
      Hatch your own dragon egg, if possible. In order to train a dragon, you need to earn its respect, but this can be very difficult with full-grown dragons.
      • Therefore, the best possible way to train a dragon is to raise it from the moment it hatches, as it will develop a child-like bond with you and be loyal and trusting from the start.
      • Be warned though -- baby dragons are hard work! They need to be fed and played with constantly and are always getting up to some sort of mischief. Baby dragons haven't learned to control their impulses yet, so you may be bitten, burned or otherwise hurt in the process of raising them. However, if you're able to see it through, you will be rewarded with love and loyalty.
      • Also keep in mind that you should never, ever steal a dragon egg from its mother. This is cruel and will make the mother very angry. You should only rescue abandoned eggs.
    2. Train Your Dragon (Fantasy Play) Step 12.jpg
      Respect the dragon. Dragons are proud, fearsome creatures that demand and deserve your respect. How can you ever expect a dragon to respect and respond to you if you don't show it the same courtesy?
      • You can show your dragon that you respect it in a number of simple ways. The first is to make eye contact with it -- this shows the dragon that you are willing to treat it as an equal.
      • The second is to respect the dragon's boundaries. If it is in a bad mood, give it some space. If it is angry, don't try to pet him or ride him, you'll just make things worse.
      • Thirdly, you should never forget that a dragon is a dangerous creature that can never fully be tamed. It's kind of like having a pet bear or lion -- you may have domesticated them, but they will never lose that dangerous, unpredictable streak.
    3. Train Your Dragon (Fantasy Play) Step 13.jpg
      Earn your dragon's trust. The single most important thing you can do when training a dragon is to earn its trust. If your dragon trusts you completely, it will want to do as you ask, just to please you.[4]
      • You can earn a dragon's trust by placing a hand gently on its snout. This calms the dragon down if its angry or frightened and shows it that you are not a threat.
      • You can also earn a dragon's trust by being polite and kind -- you'll never get a dragon to do what you want by shouting or throwing rocks at it.
      • Another good way to earn the dragon's trust is to show that you are reliable and that it can count on you. If you say you're going to bring your dragon some food, do it. If you tell it you won't let anyone else hurt him, follow through. Most dragons will repay this loyalty a thousand times over.
    4. Train Your Dragon (Fantasy Play) Step 14.jpg
      Reward your dragon with treats. Dragons respond better to training when their good behavior is rewarded, instead of their bad behavior being punished. You can reward your dragon whenever it does something you ask, like sitting still or letting you fly on its back.
      • A dragon's favorite reward is food, but the type of food will depend on the species of dragon. Meat-eating dragons will enjoy eating fish (bones and all) and hunks of lamb's meat. Herbivorous dragons (like the Basic Brown) like to eat the petals of pretty flowers.
      • Another reward that dragons enjoy is a tickle beneath the chin or a stroke behind the ears. Be careful though -- when a dragon laughs it can accidentally breathe fire!
    5. Train Your Dragon (Fantasy Play) Step 15.jpg
      Play with your dragon. Despite their fearsome reputation, most dragons love to play and have fun when they're feeling happy and safe. Therefore, playing with your dragon is one of the best ways to bond with it.
      • Every dragon has its own favorite game, so you will need to figure out what works for yours. Some dragons love to play fetch -- which you can do by firing a stick into the air using a sling shot and letting your dragon fly up to grab it and bring it back.
      • Other dragons like to play with their food. Take a piece of raw meat and throw it high into the air. The dragon will use its fire-breathing abilities to cook the flying food before catching it in its jaws!

    Method 3 of 3: Learning Dragonese

  2. Train Your Dragon (Fantasy Play) Step 16.jpg
    Learn some basic vocabulary. Dragonese is the language that dragons use to speak to one another, so if you can learn to speak it too you'll be able to communicate with your dragon more easily. Here are some helpful words to get you started:
    • Hello: Howdidothere
    • Please: Pishyu
    • Thank you: Thankee
    • No: Nee-ah
    • Yes: Yessee/Ta/Yow
    • Delicious: Scrumlush
    • Disgusting: Doubly yuck-yuck
  3. Train Your Dragon (Fantasy Play) Step 17.jpg
    Learn some commands. Now that you have some basic vocabulary, you can start learning some command words and phrases that will help you to train your dragon.
    • Fly: Flip-flap
    • Sit: Parka di botti
    • Eat: Much-munch
    • Fire: Flicka-flame
    • Catch: Catcha
    • Scream: Yowlyshreekers
    • Sleep: Zip di peepers
    • Start: Gogo
    • That way: Vazza
    • And if you want to say don't do any of theses things, all you need to do is add the word "Na". For example, if you wanted to say "don't scream" in Dragonese, you would say "na yowlyshreekers".[5]
  4. Train Your Dragon (Fantasy Play) Step 18.jpg
    Learn some helpful phrases. Once you start to communicate with your dragon more and more, you will need to learn some useful everyday phrases to help you deal with your naughty dragon, such as the following:
    • Please do not poop in the house, thank you: Nee-ah crappa inna di hoosus, pishyu.
    • My mother doesn't like it when you bite her on the bottom: Mi mama no likeit yum-yum on di bum.
    • Would you be so kind as to spit out my friend, please? Pishyu keendlee gobba oot mi freeundlee?[6]


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