If your list of career resolutions for 2014 doesn’t include, “Improve public speaking skills,” maybe it should. Public speaking can help you make contacts, get funding for a new enterprise or promote a cause you care about. And if you do it well, people will pay you a speaker’s fee, which can be an extra source of income.
I got serious about speaking to promote my most recent book, Estate Planning Smarts, which was published in 2009. Since joining Forbes two years ago I have discovered another huge benefit: It’s a chance to meet readers. During the question and answer segment following my presentations and in sidebar conversations at book signings, they talk frankly about their financial concerns. I have enjoyed these meetings immensely and come away with many interesting story ideas. So public speaking has become an important part of my work.
It wasn’t always so. As a law student in my early 20s, I suffered from terrible stage fright. I would start to shake when a professor called on me in class. One professor sniffed this out and called on me so much that classmates began to rib me about it. At the time I thought he was picking on me, but in retrospect I realize he just wanted to give me practice. Eventually I grew more comfortable and began to raise my hand instead of crouching down in my seat to (unsuccessfully) escape his notice. At that point, he moved on to his next “victim.”
What I have since learned, from watching others speak and being in front of audiences myself, is that public speaking, even in a professional context, is a performance. One speaker I emulate–Conrad Teitell, a lawyer with Cummings & Lockwood in Stamford, CT and an expert in the law of charitable giving–actually arrives with a suitcase full of props, the way a magician comes with tricks up his sleeve. Among those that are familiar to me from hearing him lecture many times, is a rubber chicken that he uses to emphasize the need to substantiate charitable donations. I’ve seen him fling it across the room, or offer it as a “prize” to an audience member who answers one of his questions correctly.
Teitell acknowledges that most people can’t get away with such stunts. But what he teaches by example is that it’s possible for each of us to develop our own, memorable, speaking style. Twice he has invited me to attend the courses that he gives on public speaking for lawyers–once in 2005, and again this past December. Here is his best advice from these sessions and a subsequent interview, along with some other key lessons I’ve learned as a speaker.
1. Know your audience. This is as true for a speaker as it is for a writer. To help remember all the elements of “audience analysis” that he wants to mention in his public speaking courses, Teitell uses an acronym, which happens to also be one of his tricks for speaking without notes (more about that later). His acronym for this is SAGE RFK, which stands for:
Education, experience and socioeconomic level
Friendly (or hostile)
K Do they know you or know about you?
Nervous about getting up in front of a room full of strangers? Keep in mind that, unless you are appearing before a hostile audience (for example, at a zoning board meeting), most people in the crowd want you to succeed, Teitell says. But preparation is key to that success.
2. Prepare the room. One of the biggest wild cards for speakers is the room and the audiovisual setup, so try and leave nothing to chance. A couple of weeks before your lecture, let your host know what equipment you will need–for example, whether you use a lectern with a microphone, or prefer a lavalier mic, which allows you to be out there with the audience and is move intimate. This microphone attaches to your lapel (Teitell lectures in shirtsleeves and clips it to his tie), or loops over your ear. Think about where you will clip on the transmitter pack that goes with it; the most comfortable spot is in the small of your back, but you will need to be wearing a belt or clothing with a waistband to which you can attach it. If you are short and plan to stand at a lectern, ask that a small wooden block be available in case you need it to boost your height.
If you want to use a PowerPoint (Teitell discourages this as noted below), ask your host to provide the computer and projector and plan to bring the presentation on a thumb drive. To avoid software incompatibilities, save the PowerPoint file in every possible format and as a PDF. In case the thumb drive is damaged or the USB port on your host’s computer malfunctions, use a backup system: Have your presentation stored in a cloud such as Dropbox, from which you can easily retrieve it.
Arrive well in advance of the time when you are scheduled to speak so that you can get accustomed to the layout of the room. Take note of potential trip falls (like wires taped to carpeted floors); test the equipment; and iron out any technical kinks. If other speakers precede you, that requires you to get there ahead of them, so you can scope out the space when it is empty. If you think the room is too warm or too cold, ask your host if the temperature can be adjusted; keep in mind that rooms get warmer when they fill up with people.
3. Introduce yourself. Your host will delegate someone to formally introduce you and ask you to provide a bio as background. But Teitell says you can make their job even easier by sending a note along the lines of “Here are some talking points for introducing me. Feel free to add or subtract.” Include a list of four bullet-pointed items–rather than writing the introduction in paragraph form–and use a large enough font that it can easily be seen without reading glasses (just in case the person introducing you would otherwise need them). One of Teitell’s tricks: End it with, “Please join me in welcoming [your name goes here].” That’s a signal for the audience to applaud.
4. Warm up the crowd. There are many ways to begin. You can start by mentioning something that happened on this particular day in history; share a joke, a story or a famous quote that ties into the subject of your talk; or play off something related to the location of the event. When I spoke in the Philadelphia suburb Conshohocken to an audience of people mostly my age or older, I ad-libed an opener in which I mentioned that 21 years ago I married a Philadelphia boy, and that when you marry a Philadelphia boy you don’t just marry the guy—you also marry the Phillies. . .the Eagles. . .and learn to pronounce Conshohocken (“Con-sha-HOCK-en”). When I told my husband how well it went over, he offered me a poetic license to use the same routine everywhere I spoke.
5. Don’t take their attention for granted. Of course you know your stuff–that’s why you got invited to speak. But even if people start out eager to hear what you have to say, you won’t hold their attention unless you are energetic and interesting. “There are no dull topics–there are only dull speakers,” says Teitell. “Most talks fail because they are not interesting. The way you make something interesting is to tell a story, an anecdote, or read a poem” that illustrates what you have to say.
An outstanding example is Steve Jobs’ 2005 Stanford Commencement Address, delivered about a year after his diagnosis with a rare form of pancreatic cancer. In it, Jobs reflected on his life and his career. With vivid anecdotes, he showed how one thing led to another, but moved along without a pre-charted course. This informative and inspiring speech relied on stories to drive home some wonderful career advice.
6. Use notes sparingly. Some people speak well extemporaneously while others just look unprepared. Teitell, who’s been doing this for more than 30 years and has given the same lectures (or variations on them) multiple times, reduces his entire presentation to handwritten notes on the four sides of a legal-sized manila folder (see the photo at right). He’s strenuously opposed to PowerPoint outlines, which he considers a crutch. With PowerPoints, “I’m making terrific eye contact with my PowerPoint, but I’m not making terrific eye contact with you,” he says.
Whatever format you use, prepare a lot more material than you need, he advises, but have segments that you can drop. This gives you the flexibility to add an anecdote or a joke if, for example, you sense that you are losing the audience’s attention.
Sometimes people are reluctant to ask the first question. So if your presentation includes a question-and-answer segment, have some questions that you can use to get the ball rolling–you can preface them by saying, “Many people ask me. . .” Pocket questions, as they are called, can also prime the pump if you haven’t used all your allotted time. Have two conclusions ready–one to follow your main presentation, and the other to wrap up the Q&A.
Each time you speak, make
notes to yourself immediately afterwards about what went well and what
you would do differently next time. With practice, you will hone your
technique and develop your own style. But as with so many other things
in life and in work, there’s always room for improvement.
This article really explained the what its takes to be a good public speaker in control public in amazing ways and gaining their minds, attention without interference