1. Now that your mom isn’t buying your clothes anymore, start following the Style Pyramid.

If a piece of clothing doesn’t adhere to the Style Pyramid — fit, fabric, and style — don’t buy it.
Step 1: Make sure your suit fits.

Most men buy suits that are two sizes too large. Fix that by learning your measurements.
Step 2: Check the fabric.

It’s quality over quantity, so buy clothes that are 100% fabrics (cotton, wool, etc.). They look nicer and are more sturdy.
Step 3: Is it stylish?

Your goal is to improve your wardrobe with comfortable, nice-looking clothes. If you don’t like it, don’t buy it.
2. High school is over; get a real pair of shoes.

Carousel Productions / Via
Potential mates are neither impressed nor turned on by men in sandals, so suit up.
3. If you’re not going to run, don’t wear running shoes.

Invest in quality. Every man should own a black lace-up shoe (they match everything) and a few slim, pointed ones.
4. Throw out your white socks, and cover up.

Buy some colorful wool, cotton, and cashmere socks — ‘cause each kind has its own purpose — and make sure they cover your shins.
5. Holey and unnaturally faded jeans are deal breakers.

And throw your baggy or frayed jeans away, while you’re at it. When it comes to jeans, simple is better.
Tip: Keep in mind that women love fitted jeans that show off your butt.6. Know how and when to wear shorts.
How: Find a balance between exposing your knees and covering your thighs.
When: Based on temperature, location, and the event.Never: Wear cargo shorts (you’re not going on a safari).
7. Stop buying “small, medium, and large” dress shirts.

Buy slim-fitted, treat yourself to an Oxford shirt, and tuck it in.
9. For ties, matching colors and patterns is key.

Your goal is to match a tie with your
dress shirt or suit, not the other way around, so buy ties that fit
with your whole wardrobe. Check out this guide for a heads-up on essential colors, patterns, and fabrics.
10. Prom is over, but you still need a tux.

Via Flickr: cmogle
Stay classy with a black jacket and white dress shirt (slim-fitted, as always), and make sure you wear a bow tie.
12. Pocket squares are meant to complement, not match.

So sticking with all-white or going with some color is totally acceptable.
Bonus: Pocket squares direct everyone’s eyes to your chest, not your stomach.13. Cuff links can make or break an outfit.

They should be simple and clean looking. Buy two or three different pairs, and you’ll be a true 21st-century esquire.
14. Get a haircut like the guys from Mad Men.

AMC / Via
Say good-bye to your Justin Bieber locks, fellas. Short hair is in, so keep things tidy with a Mad Men-inspired hairdo.
15. Use the sun to your advantage.

Michael Ochs Archives / Getty Images
Finding the right pair of sunglasses can be tricky, but they’re the perfect way to complement an outfit.
16. Also, real men do their own laundry.

So make sure you know these do’s and don’ts.
Follow these tips, and you’ll be the next 007.

Without the license to kill, probably.
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