culled from:grandascent.com
Beginning a new relationship with someone is a pretty exciting endeavor. The anticipation of what’s to come can send anyone into butterfly induced feelings of bliss and nervousness. But despite all the feelings that come and go, a good relationship is worth it, especially if you’re willing to invest time into it.
The thrill of something new entices most new lovers to learn more about each other. Sometimes we might even tweak reality a bit to make ourselves look better. However flawless we might want things to be, fate has it’s way of creeping around and turning what perfectly good moments there are, into a full blown calamity.
However, if you have been in a relationship for quite some time now, read on about how to spice up your love life with these sex tips.
Unlike a relationship that has been going strong for quite some time, a new romance takes baby steps. Of course you wouldn’t want to start out on the wrong foot.
A new connection comes with it’s share of awkwardness as a result of attempting to be perfect. It’s OK, every relationship has it’s blunders, some small and some not so small.
Here are 5 very important tips on how to handle your new relationship with more poise.
#1) Give Each Other Some Space
Being in a new relationship has it’s share of excitement and anticipation, but how much more can the thrill last if the two of you are constantly under each other 24-7 and annoyed by the 3rd date?
It’s understandable that you want to be in each others company as much as possible, but just like old tires, things wear away quickly. You know how you buy a new outfit and you feel great in it? Wearing it every other day can become boring, unless you find new ways to spice up your look. The same applies in a new relationship.
Don’t compromise all of your free time with your new partner. After all, you were independent before him, thrive autonomously with him.as well. Meet just once or twice a week at first. Things will become more exciting when the two of you finally do go out.
Of course, if you can’t keep your hands off of each other, then meet more, but proceed with caution.
#2) Don’t be Jealous or Clingy
You might think that you have a right to him all by yourself, but guess what? He is a person, probably a very social person who has other obligations other than you, and vice versa.
Being clingy in the beginning of a relationship can prove as a major turnoff. Checking in at all hours of the day and night to make sure that he isn’t flirting with other women is no way to live at all and is a great way to drive a wedge between the both of you.
Give him space just as he should respect yours as well.
#3) The L Word
Just because started dating each other doesn’t mean you have to tell the other person that you love them right away, especially if you really don’t mean it. More than likely, the other person will get coerced into saying it back out of guilt.
Give the relationship a chance to grow and flourish, then when the time is right, let him know how you feel. Other than that, you could be left with awkward silence in return.
#4) A Little Silence Is OK
You might be a talkative social butterfly. And him? Not so much. If you find that the two of you are in a state of silence from time to time, don’t count it as awkward. Maybe he is settled into the happiness of just being around you.
There is always more to get to know about the other person and hopefully the really important stuff would have gotten squared away initially on the first date anyways.
Sometimes all it takes is a state of “Just Being”, to really learn about the other person, as zen as it sounds.
#5) Sex Already?
Sex is exhilarating and fun, but not when it’s broached at an awkward moment and seems required and forced.
Your passion meter might rise when around him, but he might feel like you are only into the relationship for sex if every time you meet, you book a hotel room or bring up the idea of getting it on in the backseat. I’m sure he’s not complaining either.
However, in a new partnership, you are still getting to know the other person. The best sex is the kind that happens naturally.
#6) Bombardment of People
He is fantastic, wonderful and all that is right in the world. You might even be tempted to bring him around your people. People as in parents, friends and everyone else that is important to you. Actually, this is an opportunity for him to get to know where you came from. This is also a good chance for him to run for the hills as well.
I am not saying to never bring him around your folks, but in the early stages, you’re still not that established as a couple yet. Bombarding him with new information can make for a nervous date.
Instead of presenting him to everyone you know right now, casually mention people in passing. Little tidbits of data will slowly inform and enlighten him, so when he finally does meet people you hang around, then it won’t come as quite a shock
New relationships are like children, in some form or fashion. You have to nurture them and let them grow in their own time. Soon a mature, blossoming future will be in your path.
Remember, a relationship that is lasting usually begins in it’s own pace. As fast as you might want to move forward, taking time for the two of you to get to know each other comes with many great rewards.
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