culled from:tescohealthandwellbeing.com
Feeling a little flabby on top? Pecs not as perky as they used to be? ‘How to lose man boobs’ is a well-Googled phrase that peaks in Summer when thoughts turn to the beach and sun holidays. But guys, don’t wait until then. We can tell you, right now, how to lose moobs and get that manly chest back in time for Summer!
We know that many men don't discuss these issues as openly as women do, but men can be just as body-critical. If your mates have been good-naturedly ribbing you about buying a ‘man-bra’, jibes like these can hit home and knock your confidence, even if meant in fun. The good news is that getting rid of moobs is possible and not too difficult to achieve.
What are 'man boobs'?
Gynecomastia, or male breast enlargement, is the clinical term for man boobs, or ‘moobs’ as they are more commonly known. The proper definition is as follows: “Gynecomastia is defined as the benign enlargement of breast tissue in males.” (Wikipedia) |
Causes of ‘man boobs’
There are two main causes of Gynecomastia or man boobs: Hormonal Imbalance and excess weight gain. Let’s take a look at each:Hormonal Gynecomastia
Hormonal Gynecomastia occurs when there is a low level of testosterone (male hormone) and a heightened level of oestrogen (female hormone) in a man’s system, causing enlargement of the male breasts. This is common in newborn babies due to oestrogen being passed from the mother to the unborn child via the placenta and quickly subsides after birth. Teenage boys can also experience gynecomastia as part of puberty due to hormonal imbalances, but again, as they grow to maturity and produce increased levels of testosterone, this disappears. However, moobs can return again in middle age as testosterone levels decrease.Weight gain
The other most common cause of man boobs is through weight gain. According to the NHS, one quarter of adults in the UK are obese and 42% of men are overweight, which is why the problem of man boobs is becoming more prominent. Excessive weight gain can lead to obesity and weight-related diseases like diabetes so it’s worth addressing this problem and getting rid of moobs, not just out of vanity but for a healthier body and longer life.Other less common causes include:
- Side effects of medication
- Excessive alcohol consumption
- Use of anabolic steroids
- Sudden or dramatic weight loss, causing the skin to sag

How to lose man boobs - treatment for hormonal gynecomastia
If you suspect that your man boobs are due to a hormonal imbalance, it’s worth seeing your GP who can check your hormone levels. If it’s hormonal, your GP is likely to prescribe medication to redress that hormone imbalance. Sometimes, surgery is recommended, but this is usually as a last resort when other non-invasive alternatives have been ruled out.How to lose man boobs through weight loss
Your GP will also check your weight and ask about your diet and lifestyle to see if the problem is due to weight gain. If it’s weight-related, he will recommend a healthy diet and exercise. If your moobs are caused by weight gain and you are serious about losing them, then it’s time to look at making some changes to how you eat. Here are a few quick pointers that will help:- Drink no more than 3-4 units of alcohol daily (drinkaware.co.uk
- Eat no more than 30g saturated fat daily (nhs.uk)
- Eat 5 portions fruit and veg per day
- Cut out unhealthy processed foods
- Reduce portion sizes
- Keep to approx 2300 calories daily for weight loss
- Drink 1-2 litres of water per day

Eating healthy is the cornerstone of good health so eating regular, calorie-controlled meals will bring many rewards besides losing those dreaded man boobs. If you need help getting started try our free Tesco Health and Wellbeing app so you can track what you eat? Get a personalised calorie allowance and monitor your weight loss(We know how you guys love your gadgets!)
The payoff is that eating like this will increase your energy levels, meaning you will have more energy to exercise. Exercise will help to burn excess fat and increase muscle tone, meaning you can say goodbye to those man boobs and regain those manly pecs.
What kind of exercise is best?
Doing just one type of exercise will not banish the man boobs overnight. It’s a myth that you can ‘spot-reduce’ any part of the body so keep this in mind when embarking on an exercise programme. You need cardio for fat-burning and toning exercises to increase muscle tone. Doing some core-strengthening exercises like planking, sit-ups and squats will help you to stand up straighter and your posture will make a big difference to your chest.Tip: Many men tend to slouch over, letting their stomach and pectoral (chest) muscles hang loose. This bad posture can make moobs more pronounced so when you stand, throw your shoulders back, hold your head up and stand straight and tall. Try this in a mirror and you will see a difference straight away. |
- Press ups
- Dips
- Bench presses
- Dumbell flys
- Pec Deck
- Kettlebell workouts
- TRX/Resistance training

Dips and press-ups can be done without any equipment so are ‘free’ exercises and can be done anywhere. The others can be done in a gym and it’s always best to get a trainer to show you how to do these properly so you can get the full benefits. If you are in the middle-aged to older bracket this is especially recommended or you could do more gentle exercise like swimming, yoga and water aerobics.
Cardio exercise
Any exercise that utilises your upper body is a big help in getting rid of moobs. Whether you prefer to run, cycle or play a team sport like rugby, football or cricket. All of these will help with weight-loss. Just remember not to follow the Sunday 5-a-side with pints in the clubhouse afterwards! To add a competitive edge, you could enlist your friends in your ‘lose the moobs’ campaign, especially if they have a few pounds to lose themselves. It can add some extra motivation to keep you going.Here are a few recommended high calorie (fat) burning cardio activities:
- Swimming
- Rowing
- Elliptical trainer
- Interval training

By following a healthy diet and exercising regularly, you can say goodbye to man boobs in time for Summer. But remember guys, make it a permanent lifestyle change or, as Arnie says; “I’ll be back”.
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