Tuesday 28 October 2014

culled from:wikihow.com


Maintain a Healthy Heart Step 1.jpg
Cut smoking out of your life because using tobacco will increase your risk of heart damage. Both tobacco and nicotine contain many chemicals that cause harm to your blood vessels and heart, and this results in atherosclerosis. The carbon monoxide in cigarette smoke also interferes with your oxygen, so your heart is pressured into supplying additional oxygen to compensate. The tightening of the blood vessels, partnered by the stress on the heart can both result in a heart attack. The only way to stop this burden on your heart and strive for a healthier heart is to stop smoking.

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    Incorporate an exercise regimen into your daily routine. At least 30 minutes a day will get your blood pumping and dramatically improve your heart's health. Whether it's a 45 minute walk daily or an hour of kickboxing, make sure that you implement an exercise regimen that fits your personal needs. An exercise program that is too strenuous for your abilities may cause strain on your heart and defeat the original purpose of maintaining a healthy heart. Discuss an exercise routine with your doctor, and determine what will be the safest most effective solution for your lifestyle.
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    Maintain a healthy weight and improve heart condition. If you are overweight, not only is that putting a strain on your heart, but you are risking further conditions like high cholesterol, diabetes, and high blood pressure, thus adding further strain to the heart. Exercise and a healthy diet will help you lose the weight that is putting a strain on your heart.
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    Eat a healthy diet and that will help ensure a healthy heart. Opt for a diet that avoids saturated and trans fat foods such as red meat, deep-fried fast foods and processed foods. You should also avoid foods that are high in salt and cholesterol. Instead, select from low-fat dairy items, fruits, vegetables and beans. Fish that contain omega-3 fatty acids, such as mackerel and salmon, can reduce risk of a heart problem.
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    Limit alcohol to a healthy amount. Men are allowed 2 alcoholic beverages a day to protect the heart and women can drink 1. Any more than that will have the opposite effect.
  5. Maintain a Healthy Heart Step 6.jpg
    Make a habit of getting regular screenings of your blood pressure and cholesterol levels. Doing so will keep you informed of your heart's health and allow you to take action before anything serious develops.


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