culled from:tescohealthandwellbeing.com
Stark new figures released this week show that obesity has become a global epidemic in the developed world. Alarmingly, the UK and Ireland feature high on the list of European countries with the most overweight/obese populations.
- The most worrying statistics show that childhood obesity has increased by 33% in 33 years.
- In the UK today 1 in 3 kids are overweight and 1 in 10 are clinically obese.
- In Ireland, the Growing Up In Ireland study showed that almost 20% of 9-year-olds are overweight and a further 7% obese.
- For the first time, we stand to be the first generation that could outlive our own children due to obesity-related diseases. A frightening thought.
Causes of childhood obesity
Children naturally gain weight from time to time as part of their growing process, particularly before a ’growth spurt’. Obesity can also be due to genetics, hormone imbalances and other conditions. But principally, the major cause of childhood obesity is an increasingly sedentary lifestyle, poor nutrition and an overindulgence of treats and snacks, leading to weight gain. This weight gain can cause social stigmatization, exclusion and low self-esteem, not to mention the serious impact it can have on their health.Diabetes risk
Excess weight can lead to serious health problems. Type II diabetes, which used to be known as ‘adult-onset diabetes’, has had to drop that description because the disease is becoming increasingly common in children, due to obesity.Cardiovascular disease
As many as 3/4 of obese youngsters have at least one cardiovascular disease risk factor or associated health problem, like high blood pressure or high cholesterol. If you are a parent of an obese child, this can be worrying. The good news is that even a five-pound weight loss in some children can lower blood pressure and other risk factors significantly.But a big problem is many of these children aren’t getting the help they need to return to a healthy body weight.
Studies show that many parents underestimate obesity in children. Many simply assume it is "baby fat", while others are afraid of broaching the subject and hurting their child's feelings. But putting off doing something about it could mean increasing the chance your kids will go through the rest of their lives overweight so it’s best to act now.
According to medical publication, The Lancet,
world obesity rates have rocketed from 875 million in 1980 to 2.1
billion today, putting a major strain on health resources worldwide.
What can we do?
How do you approach the sensitive subject of your child’s weight? If your actions are too restrictive, you could end up damaging their attitude towards food or their self-esteem. It’s a tough call for any parent, but with the help of these tips, you can help your kids achieve a healthy weight.Get a professional opinion: It’s best to have your family doctor check if your child is overweight. Overweight in children is defined as having a body weight that is greater than or equal to the 85th percentile for ideal body weight for height.
Your child’s age and growth patterns should also be considered. For example, it’s normal for kids to gain weight, then catch up with growing in height. Your doctor will have your child’s weight and height records and will be equipped to make this assessment.
Surround them with support: Let your children know they are okay, no matter what their weight. A child’s self-image is very wrapped up in what their parents think of them, so be careful not to let them feel you disapprove of their weight or eating behaviours. Steer them gently towards healthier habits.
Avoid absolutes: Try not to put children on a restrictive diet, which can be harmful to growth and wellbeing and can damage their attitude towards food. Sweets and snacks can fit into a healthy diet on occasion, but don’t be afraid to say ‘no’ if you feel they are having too much. Offer a healthier alternative instead.
Encourage healthier eating: Lead by example and switch to lower fat dairy products and lean meats. Try to cut back on adding saturated fats, such as butter and oil when cooking. Make fast food and sweets occasional instead of a regular part of the family’s diet and encourage them to eat more fibre-rich fruit and vegetables.
Think inclusion, not exclusion: Try not to set your child apart from the rest of the family by preparing different meals for them or making them exercise while everyone else is watching TV. This can make them feel isolated or seem like punishment. Instead, focus on finding weekend activities, like hiking or canoeing, that can become regular parts of your weekly routine. Work and play as a family and you’ll all win.
Get off the couch: One in four children watch 4 hours of TV a day while only 1/3 of schools offer 2 hours of physical activity each week. Government guidelines recommend 60 minutes of physical activity per day for child health. Try to replace several of those TV hours each week with outdoor play or exercise.
Don’t push: It’s important not to force children into anything. Recognise that they may feel less comfortable than children who are of a healthy weight when engaging in activities such as swimming or dancing. Instead, help them find a form of exercise they enjoy. Offer tennis lessons, send them to a sports club or sign them up for martial arts classes. Be sure to emphasize that it’s their choice and you only want them to do it if it’s fun.
Be a good role model: Children learn by example and this is especially true for young children. Start modelling good habits such as choosing fruit for a snack, water instead of fizzy drinks, taking the stairs instead of the lift or parking the car further away so you have to walk to get to your destination. Before you know it, they’ll be following your good example.
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