culled from:pulse.ng
We usually get that "I'm so healthy", reassuring
feeling whenever we take a bite of our favourite fruit. Emphasis on the
word 'favourite'. As much as we know that fruits are very nutritious, we
seem to only go for the fruits we like, not a variety of them.
What if we told you that among the many benefits of organic foods, you can actually lose some weight?
experts have debated for years that organic foods really are more
nutritious than their conventionally raised counterparts, last year a
British Journal of Nutrition review of 343 studies concluded that on
average, organic foods (both crops and packaged foods derived from those
crops, like bread) contain higher concentrations of antioxidants than
conventionally grown foods.
This is because,
while an organic apple and a conventionally grown apple may both contain
the same number of vitamins and antioxidants, the organic apple is much
smaller, meaning that it contains more of them per ounce, says study
co-author Charles Benbrook, a research professor at Washington State
University's Center for Sustaining Agriculture and Natural Resources.
course you are wondering about the size difference. The weird part is
that the reason may just be that organic, nitrogen-rich fertilizer are
so expensive, meaning that organic farmers can’t typically afford to
over-fertilize their crops to the same extent that conventional farmers
can, Benbrook says.
And considering the fact that
nitrogen is to plants what calories are to people, when conventional
plants get too much nitrogen, they do the same thing we do: They get
However, their nutritional properties, like our muscles, don’t grow with them.
research found in The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition suggests
that flavonols, one of these beneficial plant compounds, may stabilize
blood sugar levels, helping to keep appetite in check, while another
such compound, resveratrol, has been shown to promote fullness.
Some pesticides used in conventional farming, however, may reduce the level of resveratrol in plants.
just because an apple is organic doesn’t guarantee the farmer hasn’t
piled on the nitrogen, thereby reducing its antioxidant concentrations
while increasing its calories, Benbrook says.
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