Friday 17 April 2015

No gym workout


A lot of people think that you need to go the gym in order to have a toned body, but this not true as you do not necessarily need machines at the gym to get fit.
Your own body weight, gravity, combined with the below can do the job.
  1. Circuit Train- Want to burn fat quickly? Rapid-fire circuits turn strength moves into calorie-torching, cardio work. "If your goal is weight loss, use light weights and low reps," says exercise physiologist Pete McCall, of the American Council on Exercise. A circuit may include push-ups, pull-ups, and crunches followed by a two-minute run. Repeat or alternate with another circuit of biceps curls, dips, and shoulder presses to target smaller muscles.
  2. Pull-up- Pull-ups work arm and back muscles. Turn palms away to work more back muscles; or have the palms face you to target the biceps. Grasp the chin-up bar and cross your legs to keep the lower body stable. Slowly pull your body up, bending your elbows, until your chin is level with the bar.  Pause, then slowly return to your starting position. Repeat.
  3. Wide Grip Push-up- A wide grip makes the chest muscles work a little harder. Place your hands outside the shoulders. You should engage your core, thigh, and glutes to get the most out of this or any push-up. As you lift, "Think about gripping the ground with your hands to engage the large muscles of the pectoralis major," McCall says.
  4. Decline Push-up- This challenging push-up can kick your shoulder strength up a couple notches. Get into a standard push-up: hands a little wider than shoulder-width apart, fingers facing forward, elbows slightly bent, and eyes on the floor. Then place feet behind you on a sturdy chair or bench. Keep your body in a straight line, engage the abs, bend your elbows, and lower your chest towards the floor. Push back to starting position.
  5. Jump Train for Power- Pro athletes train with jumping jacks and other explosive moves to increase muscle power. It helps basketball players jump higher and tennis players get to the ball faster. Jump training is also called plyometrics, and it's not for beginners or for those with joint issues. But if you have good strength and balance, it can ramp up your game. Try adding plyometric moves to your workout once or twice a week.
  6. Jump Squat- Shift your hips back and down until your heels start to lift off the floor. Pause briefly and explode up, swinging the arms overhead as you straighten your legs. Create a straight line from toes to fingers, with your back flat. Land softly on the middle of your foot and sink back into a squat to help absorb the impact.
  7. Jump Lunge-Try this advanced move on grass or another soft surface.  Sink into a lunge position with left leg forward, right leg back, and both knees bent to 90 degrees. Swing your arms behind you for greater power as you jump up, using your arms to assist as needed. Keep your back straight, eyes facing forward, and use your abs. Switch legs in the air and land softly, returning to the lunge position. Rest after each set.
  8. Chair Dip- This simple move tones the backs of the arms. Sit on the edge of a step or chair, palms on each side, and knees bent to 90-degrees. Now, move your hips forward, off the step, until your hands are supporting your weight. Slowly lower your body, keeping your back very close to the step.  Bend the elbows until you upper arms are parallel to the floor. Slowly push back up and repeat.
  9. Basic Plank- This move strengthens all the core muscles, helping to tone the mid-section. Lie on your stomach, elbows close to your sides and directly under your shoulders, palms down. Using your abs, slowly lift your torso off the floor, keeping your torso and legs steady. Don't let your low back sag and don't hike up your hips. Hold this position for 15 seconds or more -- and don't hold your breath!
  10. Dynamic Plank- Try this advanced move only after mastering the traditional plank. Support your weight with chest and forearms on top of a fitness ball. Keep legs straight and toes on the floor and contract the abdominals to help stay balanced. Shift your weight to your left leg as you bend your right knee and bring it up to meet the ball; slowly return it to starting position and repeat. Switch legs.
With the above, you have no excuse not stay fit.


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