culled from:.tescohealthandwellbeing.com
What do Gwyneth Paltrow, Miranda Kerr and Angelina Jolie all have in common? Apart from the fact that they are household ‘celebs’, they are also huge fans of the latest health and beauty phenomenon to sweep the internet: Coconut oil.
If you are interested in food and health (and who isn’t these days?) then you are sure to have noticed the sudden proliferation of coconut-based food items on supermarket shelves. Coconut oil is currently being touted as the new ‘miracle’ superfood and beauty product. But is this nut really all it’s cracked up to be? We did some research on the benefits of coconut oil to bring you the fleshy details.
Health food or hype?
According to some websites, coconut oil appears to be a miracle food which promises to cure everything from cancer to Alzheimer’s. So far, research into such claims has yet to prove conclusive, so we would recommend treating such claims with caution. Instead, we looked for the real kernel of truth about coconut oil.Coconut oil as a food
As a food, coconut oil contains a whopping 92% of saturated fat and this may be why it has been seen as a dietary ‘no-no’ for so long. However, it’s worth remembering that coconut oil is a natural fat, which is metabolized more efficiently by the body. That said, we don’t recommend using coconut oil in large quantities. Fat is still fat and can contribute to cardiovascular disease so, as with any high-calorie food, moderation is the key.There are many websites on the internet that extol the virtues and the uses of coconut oil. It’s no coincidence that these are websites which sell coconut oil as a product. But here is what we do know is true about the health benefits of coconut oil.
Coconut oil contains medium-chain triglycerides (MCT’s). Fats which are immediately transported to the liver for use as fuel. This means that coconut oil is metabolized quickly and efficiently rather than being stored as fat deposits so may help with weight loss if used as part of a healthy, calorie-controlled diet. High levels of lauric acid in coconut oil can help to boost HDL cholesterol (the good kind) and contribute to heart health as part of a healthy diet.
As coconut oil is a non-dairy fat, it is suitable for vegans, vegetarians and those who require a dairy-free diet. Coconut oil is also suitable for those following a Paleo diet, where grains and dairy are excluded.
Coconut oil is rich in lauric acid, caprylic acid and antimicrobial lipids. This means that coconut oil can help to strengthen the immune system and fight infection.
Coconut oil kitchen tips
Avoid hydrogenated coconut oil as this contains harmful trans-fats. Look for virgin coconut oil as the healthiest choice.Try some in your morning coffee or smoothie for a quick energy boost.
Use coconut oil to cook with instead of your regular frying oil. Coconut oil also has a higher ‘smoke point’, meaning it will keep its nutrients at a high temperature. No more smoky kitchens!
Add a spoonful to hot tea or water if you have a cold or flu coming on.
Use in homemade mayonnaise instead of vegetable oil.
Swap butter for coconut oil when cooking and baking.
Nutty fact: The coconut tree is
also known as "the tree of life" because there are more than one hundred
products that can be made of coconut.
External uses
If you are concerned about the calorie count, then you can still use coconut oil as an indispensable health and beauty product. Coconut oil is a fantastic moisturiser which makes it a good choice for dry skin, psoriasis, and other skin complaints. It is said to have anti-ageing properties due to its high level of anti-oxidants which fight the ageing effects of free radicals in the body. Coconut oil has long been used in health and beauty products and can be used in many ways in its raw form so you can still get the health benefits of coconut oil without ingesting it. Here are just a few external uses of coconut oil:Coconut oil makes an ideal make-up remover and moisturiser.
For expectant and new mums it can help with stretch marks and cracked nipples.
It’s good for babies too! Coconut oil makes a great baby oil, nappy cream and cradle-cap treatment.
Flaky scalp? Split ends? Frizz? Coconut oil is a kind, chemical-free remedy. Just rub into the hair and scalp for shiny, silky hair.
Massage into hard skin and cuticles as a skin-softening cream.
Soothes psoriasis, dermatitis and eczema.
Got a teenager with acne problems? The anti-bacterial properties of coconut oil can help.
For a shiny white smile, mix coconut oil with bicarbonate of soda and you’ve got your own toothpaste.
Continuing with oral hygiene – ever heard of ‘oil pulling’? Swish a spoonful of coconut oil around in your mouth for 10-20 minutes to kill the bacteria in your mouth.
Rub in some coconut oil before going out in the sun. It contains a natural SPF of 4.
If you DO get burned – rub it on your sunburn to soothe inflamed skin.
Got an insect bite or sting? Rub coconut oil on it.
Mix a spoonful with some sugar or baking soda and rub into your skin as a natural body scrub then shower off. Your skin will be silky smooth and good enough to eat.
Slather it on your significant other as a luxurious massage oil. Then swap places!
Rub it on feet to treat Athlete’s foot.
Nutty fact: You are 10 times more likely to be killed by a falling coconut than by a shark attack!
Household uses
This versatile oil isn’t just good for your body, it can be utilized in many ways around the house:Dogs can enjoy the benefits of coconut oil too. Rub into your pets pelt for a silky, shiny coat. It also helps to repel fleas!
Coconut oil can help to rejuvenate leather. So instead of shelling out for custom leather-care products, rub in some coconut oil instead.
Sticky zipper? Squeaky hinges? Coconut oil makes an ideal low-cost lubricant.
Use it as an inexpensive alternative to beeswax on wooden furniture.
It even cleans! Bin the chemical cleaners and use coconut oil to remove gum residue, shine metal or clean your bath/shower tray of soap scum.
While coconut oil seems to have a myriad uses and health benefits, it’s worth remembering that it’s not a ‘miracle product’. The jury is still out and research goes on, but for now, the humble coconut can continue to enjoy its fifteen minutes of fame. Including it in small doses as part of a healthy, balanced diet is the best way to enjoy the benefits of coconut oil and by all means, include it in your beauty routine and household care products.
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