culled from:http://pulse.ng
Words are powerful and the effect can be felt many years after.
The impact of a father’s loving words on his daughter cannot be
over-emphasised. Studies show that if a father lovingly encourages his
daughter with positive affirmations, she stands a higher chance of not
to be cajoled easily by sweet, deceptive words of guys in a
relationship. A father's loving words builds his daughter's self esteem.
Here is a list of words most ladies we spoke with, heard father say to them always.
honestly, my dear, if no one said it to you, affirm these words to
yourself. Nobody has the right to make you unhappy. You owe yourself the
right to make yourself happy.
1. I love you.
2. You are the best daughter
3. I am sorry
4. I am proud of you.
5. You are beautiful.
6. Let me give you advice about boys.
7. Let me pray for you.
8. Real men respect women.
9. If he loves you, he will never force you to sleep with him.
10. I am proud to be your dad.
11. You can be anything you want to be.
12. When you make mistakes in life, learn, square your shoulders and move up.
13. If he left you, he lost a queen.
14. Sex is not love.
15. Boys will come to you saying they love you, tell them to come and meet me.
16. If he loves you he will wait.
17. Let me take you out.
18. Let me be your val.
19. I love your mummy so much.
20. Don’t be afraid, I will support you.
21. May God bless and protect you.
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