Thursday 19 March 2015

Couple having dinner


You don't need to wait till it's your wedding anniversary or your spouse's birthday before you treat them to a nice, romantic meal at home.
This is one of the ways to spice up your relationship and keep things fun in your marriage, especially if you two have been together for a long time.
Below are some ways you can prepare a romantic meal for your partner:
  • Choose a simple recipe: The more adventurous you get in the kitchen, the more the chances of something going wrong. Unless you are professional chef with vast experience in culinary matters, finding a simple but effective recipe should be your first priority. Make sure it's something that is not only pleasant to look at but also achievable. The simpler the better.
  • Surprise your spouse: The best way to make this meal special and romantic is for your partner not to be aware of it at all until they walk right into the whole setting. You could call him/her while they're at work and inform them that you have made reservations at restaurant for you two. Then when he/she arrives home, reveal the surprise. The surprise will add a little spark to the meal.
  • Have a trial ahead of time: Every recipe goes better if you know and understand the process involved. Make sure you read it through in detail and learn it. Better still, actually try to cook it for yourself beforehand - you are bound to make a couple of mistakes, and they are better learned now than on your date night.
  • Clean and tidy up: The major downside to cooking is that it leaves you with a lot of mess to clean. Plan well and make sure you have time to tidy up the place, as you cook. Nothing can be as bad as enjoying a romantic meal and then remembering just how much dish-washing there is to be done. A tidy and clean kitchen will help make the meal that much more enjoyable.
While you're making your special, surprise meal, don't forget about the starters and desserts to make it a complete three-course dinner.


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