Thursday 2 April 2015

Exercising with friends and family


Everyone has enough valid reasons for not having time during the day to exercise, so here are six simple tips to keep you consistently working out.
  1. Schedule it- Busy people must schedule their workouts. Open up your calendar, and schedule it into your day (just as you would a dentist appointment). This ensures you DO have the time each day. You can set a reminder or an alarm so you can wake up earlier than you normally do and exercise before facing the craziness of the day.
  2. Keep your scheduled appointment- Now that your exercise is scheduled, keep your appointment! Don't change it, reschedule it, or skip it. You'd never skip an important work meeting then tell your boss, "I didn't feel like showing up today." Your health and well-being is just as important (if not more!) than any other appointment. Honor yourself.
  3. Exercise first thing in the morning- Most of us don't have business meetings and appointments at 5:30 a.m. This is prime time to get your workouts done since you'll never have conflicting appointments. This may sound brutal to most people, but after two weeks you get used to it.
  4. Mix up your workouts- Day one, do a High Intensity(HIIT) workout. Day two, lift heavy weights. Day three, increase joint mobility with yoga. Boredom is one of the biggest reasons why people don't stick with an exercise program. Don't wake up and run every day. You've got to mix it up.
  5. Make it fun- The more fun you have while exercising, the more likely you are to do it. On weekends go for a long bike ride with your family or, do your normal exercise routine with your family. Children have a lot of energy and it is contagious, you also get to laugh the whole time (which burns more calories!).
  6. Join a fitness accountability group- Let's face it. It's easy to give up on yourself, because nobody knows if you skipped your workout (or ate an entire cake!). By joining a support group, you're forced to stay accountable, because others are looking for you to check in that day. It's like having your own team of cheerleaders. You feed off their energy which propels you forward.
    There you have it -- six simple tips to keep workouts consistent. The better the consistency, the better the results!


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