Wednesday, 23 July 2014

Employability skills may not mean much to you, but these days employers love to see evidence of transferable skills in the workplace.
The longer the list of evidence the more employable you are, so here we’ve put together a guide on how to improve your employability to make you stand out.
Be active
The more you do at work and during your free time the better your CV will look. Try to do volunteering, charity fundraising events or just get involved in work events. Remember to keep a record of all that you do and consider the skills that you have gained.
Gain some work experience
If you’re looking for your first job, why not try finding some work experience first? It’s a great way to pick up the skills that you’ll need for the job itself and having some work experience in the sector that you’re interested in will stand out on your CV and make you more employable.
Whilst in work, average employees do what they are told and not much else besides. If you are looking to move jobs and want to make yourself employable, try to do more than what is expected of you.
Be careful not to step on anyone’s toes, but asking others if you can help with anything shows your willingness to work. Employers will soon see that you’re indispensable!
Always behave professionally
Even if you hate your job, behaving professionally at all times is the best way to make yourself employable. Turn up on time, do your job to the best of your ability and try to keep a smile on your face!
Remember that if you are moving jobs you’ll likely need a reference from you current employer. Try to stay on good terms as they will be the judge of your employability.
Show off your potential
Being employable is all about showing off why you should get the job over other candidates. Show off your potential by putting together a list of your skills and how they apply to the job. If you sell yourself and your employability well, you’ll walk into your new job.

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