The Nigerian family usually consists of not only
the nuclear family, which is made up of parents and their children, but
the extended family, which embraces several generations of people who
are related by blood, marriage, or adoption. It is the very foundation
of Nigerian social life and includes siblings, grandparents, aunts,
uncles, cousins, and even more distant relatives.
Thursday, 31 July 2014

"I lost all my
savings in the stockmarket. My friend told me to put everything in bank
shares and I did. I lost everything. After what happened to me in 2008,
I will never ever invest in the stockmarket again" Seyi Lawyer
"Don't mention the stockmarket to me!
Let me just keep my money in the bank at least it is safe I don't know
how I will educate my children with this...

Do you ever feel like you have lost control of
your finances and all you do is spend, spend, spend? N1,000 here, N5,000
there, N25,000, N100,000 and so on with no respite. Do you constantly
have to borrow money from your parents, siblings, or friends? In a way
you cannot really stop spending; there are so many payments that have to
be made; your rent or mortgage, school fees, groceries,...

It goes without saying that the birth or
adoption of a child is probably one of the most rewarding and most
significant life experiences. Financially however, for many families it
is generally regarded as one of the most challenging. A baby is another
mouth to feed, clothe, keep entertained and educate – all at significant
The introduction of a new baby raises numerous questions...

When it comes to playing the stock market, women
all over the world have lagged behind men. Too many women remain
hesitant about investing in the stock market Because of their strong
aversion to risk and the fear of loss, they tend to be more inclined to
put all their money in short term investments and have therefore missed
out on many wealth-building opportunities.
The Stock...

As two individuals merge all their worldly goods
there are many things to consider. After the excitement of the wedding
ceremonies, it is time to face your financial future together. Have you
effected your name change on your documents? Will you have joint or
separate accounts? How will you manage your investments? Have you
updated your insurance policies to reflect your new beneficiary?

Winston Churchill once said, 'saving is a very
fine thing. Especially when your parents have done it for you,' When I
ask parents if they are saving for their children, they often respond
-”I can barely put anything aside for myself not to talk of saving for
my children!” Yet this could be a huge opportunity lost as saving for
children, comes with the advantage of time. The earliest...

The elementary school years, when children are
being introduced to mathematics concepts and coming to grips with
numbers, are an excellent time to lay a solid foundation in personal
financial management. Sadly, our educational system focuses almost
totally on academic subjects and very rarely is any aspect of money
management taught in schools.
If we want our children to grow...

For many single people, financial planning is
not a priority as they feel that they have only themselves to worry
about. Whilst every one should plan and save towards the future, being
single presents some unique financial challenges that must be specially
addressed. Your single status means that you are solely responsible for
meeting any financial obligations; you may have to face...

Mothers make huge sacrifices for their families
and often neglect their own needs in the process. One area that is often
entirely ignored is their financial security. A lack of financial
skills has the potential to negatively impact not only a woman�s future,
but also that of her children.
Women face some unique challenges that translate to distinct concerns
regarding their finances...

Have you embraced internet banking?
The internet has revolutionized banking and personal finance in many
ways and most bank customers are familiar with online or internet
banking services. Surprisingly however, many people even though equipped
with internet access have not yet signed on. Whatever the reason may be
that you have not yet embraced your banks internet banking...

Whether you are single by choice or by circumstance; young and
unmarried, divorced or widowed, your financial future will be largely
affected by the decisions that you make today. For many single
people, financial planning is not a priority as they feel that they have
only themselves to worry about. Whilst every one should plan and save
towards the future, being single presents...

What is value investing?
Value investing is an investment approach that is based on the premise
that with some effort, you can find good, strong companies whose share
prices have fallen, so offer good value for money. It was made popular
by Benjamin Graham, and Warren Buffet, who largely based his investment
decisions on the tenets of value investing and used this approach to

The faces of debt: The good, the bad and the ugly
It is almost impossible to live totally debt-free; most people will
borrow money at some stage in their lives. Borrowing can be a useful way
to help spread out the cost of large purchases or expenses that we
could perhaps not otherwise afford. It can also help us through
difficult times or periods when there just isn’t enough...

What kind of investor are you?
55 year-old Daba Lawson is five years from retirement, and is still
smarting from her experience in the Nigerian stock market since 2008.
Daba like so many of us got caught up in the euphoria of the bull-run.
One of her young friends had taken a margin facility to leverage her
stock portfolio and had enjoyed huge successes. Her friend urged Daba...
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