Friday 28 November 2014



If your organization is going to grow and prosper, you know that developing strong leaders is no longer optional, but a strategic imperative.

You’ve found that “on the job training,” mentoring and trial and error isn’t good enough. Nor does existing skill-based training address the behavior development necessary for true leadership growth.

That’s why Urs and I have been searching for a program that would help us help our clients grow their own leadership capacity. We wanted something that met our high standards — it had to be practical, hands-on, no-nonsense and, oh yeah, highly effective.

We are very pleased to announce that we have entered into a partnership with Path Forward Leadership  to license their highly acclaimed Path Forward Leadership Workshop Series  as part of our own product offering. The Path Forward Leadership series is specially designed to turn managers into strong leaders and enrich and strengthen your entire organization.

It’s not a “one day wonder” but rather a comprehensive approach to improving leadership effectiveness by challenging participants to apply insights to real-world situations, guided by our own expert facilitation and coaching.


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