Non-washable fabrics, as is obvious from the term itself, mean those fabrics that can get damaged if washed. Usually they are the clothes that should be cleaned through dry-cleaning process.
However, sometimes non washable can also mean the fabrics that can’t be washed in a machine but can be hand washed without twisting or wringing. For the accurate meaning one should see the labels on the fabrics. It is really a tough job to remove stains when we can’t use stain removers or even water on a non-washable cloth. However, there are certain handy tips that can help you in removing stains from such non-washable fabrics.
Fruit Juice Stains
If there is a fruit juice stain on non-washable fabric, wipe it off as much as possible using a paper towel. Then sponge with salt water and pat it dry. After that, dab it with methylated spirit (denatured alcohol).
Grass Stains
For grass stains on non- washable cloths, mix equal parts of cream of tartar powder and cooking salt. Rub this on the stain and leave it for about 10-15 minutes before brushing it clear.
Ice-cream, Coffee and Tea Stains
Mix 15 ml borax with 500ml water and then sponge the stain mark with this mixture. If the stain doesn’t go, try to remove it with a mixture made of 1 part of hydrogen peroxide and 6 parts of water. This works for all, coffee, tea as well as ice cream stains.
Vomit Stains
Sometimes this type of stains can’t be avoided. To remove it from non washable clothes, scrape it off as much as possible. Then, flush the stained area with soda water. After that, sponge using an enzyme detergent mixture. Blot dry with a towel washcloth by dabbing. If the stain doesn’t go off completely, repeat the process.
Ballpoint Pen Stains
If you see a mark of ball point pen on your non-washable cloth, use glycerine to remove it. Dab glycerine directly on the stain and leave for twenty minutes. Now apply an oil solvent and let it dry.
Oil Stains
This type of stain can be left on clothes by oil, butter, grease and even face cream. To remove it, apply oil solvent on the stain and leave it for about 5-10 minutes. Repeat, if the stain is still there. Then let it dry. If it’s a stain from olive oil, you can also sprinkle a little baking soda or cornstarch on the stain and let it sit for 10-15 minutes. Now remove the baking soda or cornstarch by hands or a soft brush. Blot the stain using dry cleaning solvent. Repeat if needed.
Although the above tips are effective ways for removing stains from non washable fabrics, you should always blot test on the fabric before applying any of these methods so that your expensive clothes are safe from any further damage.
Source: Bureau
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