There are various reasons why people become entrepreneurs but very few of them are successfully able to scale their business or take it to the next level. So what does it take to be a successful entrepreneur?
I believe there are 3 skills that an individual needs to be a successful entrepreneur and they are – Passion, Perseverance and Patience.
1. Passion: In simple terms, any activity that you enjoy doing over and over again without expecting any return is your passion. It can be anything like mowing a lawn or selling cupcakes or creating an outstanding app. When you're passionate about something, you forget yourself and totally get involved in what you are passionate about. Without a doubt, passion is key to entrepreneurial success. Think of Steve Jobs, had he not been passionate about design, perhaps we may not have seen iPods and iPads.
2. Perseverance: Perseverance is the act of not throwing in the towel when you are tempted to do just that. No matter how many odds are stacked against you, if you believe in the idea, you should guard it against outside forces and persevere to prove yourself right. That is the best way to answer and silence the naysayers who question your idea and even ridicule it.
3. Patience: If there was enough patience in most of us, the world would have been such a great place. With all of us leading a fast-pace life, having several options to choose from, we often get frustrated and end up making a wrong decision. To be a successful entrepreneur, you need to have lots of patience.
In a startup, things rarely function smoothly. With so much chaos surrounding you, if you don't stay patient you can't make the correct decisions. Think of how Juan Mata joined Manchester United after being patient with his former club Chelsea who made him warm the bench for six months. Being patient in tough situations does bring in rewards.
Conclusion: To be a successful entrepreneur, you need three critical skills which are passion, perseverance and patience. Call it 3Ps to entrepreneurial success, but they are crucial and they do make a difference.
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