Tuesday, 25 November 2014

culled from: www.article.com

You have Jesus in your life, you believe in the Holy Spirit, now it's time to ask for your purpose; ask the Holy Spirit to lead you, ask him to teach you to "walk in spirit," to be "filled with the Spirit," to be "led by the Spirit." When we continue a prayer after we have thanked and petitioned God with all the things on our mind, when we then ask, "what should I meditate on?" and wait for an answer, we are now at a powerful life-changing moment. The Holy Spirit only speaks what he is instructed to speak, he only trains in the areas he is instructed to train, so many things we ask for in prayer, he does not have permission to give us an answer. What he does have is permission to train you to receive your purpose and to guide you continually until you become the individual you were created to become. By asking what should I meditate on and expecting an answer, we are now in a position for him to become our personal "wonderful counselor."

Their is a superior individual inside you, some call the individual your "inner being," Tony Robins called him or her "The Giant Within," Buddha called it your spirit, and I agree with all of them and if you have another name for a superior individual inside you who longs for you to become greater, then go on with yourself. The Holy Spirit trains us and shares with us many things and also connects us in a more advanced way to hear our "inner man" as the apostle Paul calls him in a few versions, other versions take the exact same text and say Paul said hear your "spirit." There is someone else other than God, who God put with us, to raise us up in the way we were designed to be raised up. How I started receiving guidance from the spirit inside me was as I listened to the Holy Spirit more and more, and consistently did what I was asked to do, no matter how difficult. I used to be an entrepreneur as many of you know, I was asked to stop doing business for over three years and to just meditate and listen and be trained; now I have become what God purposed me to be, and one of the things he has me do is write books, articles, and reports on subjects my spirit tells me to. I am filled with joy and love writing and sharing spiritual things with you. Our purpose and our heart's desires at a pure level are the same, one of the things I've always wanted to be is a writer. God is good.

The superior individual inside longs to share some things with you that are Godly, he may have inventions, he may have a formula for a concoction that will help woman regain strength and sharpness of mind in their latter years, he may want to train you to play an instrument at a Godly level so you can perform and entertain people as he built you to do. You see, our purposes are locked behind a wall of ignorance that prevents most of what we should hear from our inner beings from getting through to us. That wall can only be removed by God, the Holy Spirit worked for me and is one sure way to receive guidance that was unavailable to us before. And when you can combine the Holy Spirit and all you receive from the wonderful counselor with all you can receive from the spirit inside you, well I certainly would not want one without the other. The Holy Spirit, these days, is doing what he has always done, raising people up to be experts at something. In King Solomon's days, the men building the temple "were filled with the Holy Spirit and became master builders." Joseph became the most powerful man on earth after being a slave because the Holy Spirit performed miracles through him as well as training him in many ways valuable to the Pharaoh. When prophecies and visions were presented to Joseph, the Holy Spirit shared with him the interpretations. King David's soldiers became elite fighters trained by the Holy Spirit, each able to take on three hundred men. Now the Holy Spirit is available to all, to train those who believe and ask to become great at something, and to hear their spirit inside who has been waiting to share with them guidance to becoming the elevated individual God built them to become.

Don't make the mistake of asking the Holy Spirit to make you a great_________, and then give him what you believe is your purpose instead of what he knows is your purpose. You are really wasting time, even if he helps you become better at what you are asking, and he might... The day you realize you are dumb and he is wise is the first day that you will be on your way to wisdom. I love that, I can't take credit for it though, Cary Aubuchon wrote a piece on wisdom that I am stealing the concept from, it is, like so many of Cary's pieces beautiful and powerful. If you haven't yet paid attention to the miracles God is performing through Mr. Aubuchon, I suggest you are missing out on some of the most inspirational events of this time period in history. "The most important part of the word wisdom is the dom (dumb) part, we must realize, we are dumb and He is wis (wise)." a quote from "Wisdom," by Cary Aubuchon. Now that I am on the subject, Cary received blue prints of inventions from his spirit, and has built a couple of the inventions already that are changing the electricity industry and fuel industry, getting rid of harmful emissions and the use of fossil fuels, "God taught me to make gasoline out of air," Cary said laughing with me. He loves to explain how "cool" Jesus is and how men have him all wrong. What a great man to listen to speak.

So ask, in meditation, "what should I meditate on?" and the Holy Spirit will certainly start training you, first maybe to hear him better or to notice his work in your life as he becomes more involved and leads you. Each individual hears or is lead in a unique way, I have learned to tell people to ask and then let them share how he begins to speak to them and lead them. I'm often amazed and sometimes a little jealous, I wish I heard like that. Some have had the Holy Spirit reveal to them who their inner being is, as well as what their purpose is. I do not discount that they received something that many others have not, and I will tell you, my spirit has shared with me the spirit that is in other men before. Some spirits that I have learned are other's inner beings are spirits of men who were on earth in the past some only fifty years ago, others five hundred years ago, and others much much older. I have told the person who their inner being was on occasion when instructed to, other times spoken, off the wall, to their spirit to let him know I was told who he is and that I am helping this individual learn how to hear from their inner being; this kind of talk fills the person with joy as their spirit inside becomes excited, knowing his job is about to become fun, finally able to influence the person to learn the things he, the spirit, has been trained to share with them. The light of the spirit shines out their eyes as their smile and countenance changes to joy that only comes from spirit.

In this season of mankind, the Holy Spirit and the inner beings of men and women will raise up the most advanced individuals in most all professions in most every field. There will be a common theme among the elite, the spirit inside me trained me and raised me up to achieve what I have achieved. The best athletes, the greatest entertainers, scientist with theories ahead of their time, inventors with inventions they received from God, writers who write profound wisdom, business leaders who lead their company to be the most prosperous, chemist who develop cures of diseases, and the founders of many great charities will all have the same story, I received this from spirit. Notice, I left out something, pastors, preachers and priests and such; it is not because the Spirit does not or is not going to raise up some great ones, but the greatest of these will receive and give the world something that could only come from God first and then begin to speak. You see, the miracle qualifies the individual as hearing words of wisdom or intelligence from God, himself, and that is the gift of prophecy, and if we use the word to the level that the instructions for speaking in a church setting that Paul described in Corinthians are accurate, then those with the gift of prophecy should speak. I'm not going to pretend that I know every great pastor to come and some may certainly have the gift of prophecy already, but I will say with a surety that a trend is coming where more and more pastors will be retired inventors, businessmen, scientist, or entertainers who have received personal instruction, following a miracle filled career, to become a pastor or speaker.

We have a distorted view of God's purposes for a man, many of us have gone our entire life thinking if I ever start doing exactly what God wants me to do, I'll get married and settle down, become a preacher and teach others the Bible. Cary Aubuchon wrote in an article that, he started hearing words from the Spirit of God who told him he had a great purpose, and Cary said, he said to himself half laughing, "S..t! I'm going to be a Baptist preacher." Later he wrote, "Thank God, I am an inventor entrepreneur for Jesus, my purpose is my heart's desires, what a great God." This presumption that our purpose has something to do with religion is exactly what Jesus wanted to get rid of when he walked the earth. He had to "go away so his father would send what he promised, the Holy Spirit, the Spirit of Truth and he will share with you all things." You see the personal relationship that was going to be available after he left and is available now, there is your religion, hearing personally what is supposed to be shared with you. The very first Psalm describes a man who meditates on the laws of the Lord, what are the laws these days, since the laws were done away with and the "law of freedom" is now the law. So with the law done away with, meditate on what God wants you to do day and night, with the law of freedom you have a choice to do what God asks of you or not, but God does not change, his themes are always the same for his people, his promises and gifts are irrevocable; while the laws are done away with and the condemnation for not being able to do religion properly or keep the law is gone, the promise that "if you hear my voice and obey my commands then you will be blessed... and become a leader not a follower, and a lender who will lend to many and borrow from no one, and you will be blessed as you go in and as you go out. You will be respected..." Quoting the theme of God's people after they turn to him with all their heart and all their mind and Moses writes, after a man walks the earth speaking the very words of God, you see, those promises really are for us now after Jesus walked and spoke very words of God, as Moses prophesied thousands of years before, as described in Deuteronomy wrapped up in chapters 28 to 30. It's the same theme in the first Psalm isn't it? "and become a tree planted between streams of water whose leaves will not wither whose fruit is always ripe in season and whatever you do you will prosper," describing a man who listens to God all day long and does what God asks of him, he becomes a strong man whose nourishment, physical and spiritual come from heavenly streams, that he is fed by theses two streams even when there is no rain, or depression, recession or a terrible time of sorrow, he is still fed and still has "fruit," whether physical - food, shelter, or clothing, or spiritual - prayer, wise words, or a prophecy of a future of no harm, the tree of God has what is needed when no one else does. His leaves will not wither, people will see the health and the beauty of his spirit shining through, and "He will prosper at everything he does." The Proverbs are filled with this same theme about a man who chases wisdom and listens and becomes wealthy and full of wisdom and knowledge who can figure out riddles, parables, and proverbs, who will wear the crown of wisdom which is "wealth." I didn't make it up, and neither did Jeremiah when he told the people who were about to be released that "God had a future of prosperity planned for them." It's a promise of God and it's irrevocable.

The apostle Paul was torn, a people who were not God's people had become God's people and were now receiving the gifts and promises; Paul told one group, because you have been so blessed I am requiring a larger donation from you to send to the poorer church in Israel. The message for the Israelites was different, they had already become wealthy if they lived according to the law, now they were giving it up for Jesus. But the gentiles were reading scripture and believing the promises were now for them, and some of them were becoming wealthy leaders as the Holy Spirit raised them in wisdom and let them know the promises were for them. Paul says to Timothy, "Command those who have become rich to enjoy everything on earth as God made it for their enjoyment, and tell them to do some good deeds with their riches so they will lay up treasures for themselves in the age to come." That is who God's people are supposed to be, those enjoying life, and all that God made, and doing good deeds all the while, being the leader they are supposed to be and the lender who lends to many but borrows from no one. We have to take the word seriously and believe it in order to receive it to that level and then some.

Jesus gives the ultimate example of this principle that God blesses those who obey in a material way while on earth along with eternal life in the age to come. The rich young Jewish man asked Jesus, "What must I do to receive eternal life?" Jesus responded, "you know the commandments, do not steal, do not commit adultery, do not murder..." "Teacher, these things I have kept since my youth." Of course he had, that is why he was wealthy at such a young age; he listened and obeyed and he was blessed, and he was one of God's people so he received the promises. Jesus then said, "one thing you lack, give everything you have to the poor and follow me." At this the young rich man walked away sad because he had so much wealth and could not give it up. Jesus did not leave, he kept talking to the crowd and he said, "I tell you the truth, anyone who leaves homes, and fields, and children for my sake and the gospel will not fail to receive one hundred times what they gave up for me in this present age, but with persecutions, and eternal life in the age to come." One hundred times the number of fields and homes and material things we give up, that is some serious wealth for most anyone, fields represent income for years. Then Jesus says, "but with persecutions." When we leave our children behind for a time, it is impossible to explain, and when we give up income and opportunities and just go and do what Jesus is asking us to do and it is leave it all behind and go here or there and meditate and be trained for years as it was for me. My x-wife said, "don't you dare tell your children, you're leaving for years and won't see them or contact them when you had a choice, because Jesus asked you to!" Then there were employees, business associates, and so many family members for starters, I was feeling the persecutions. With my children there were huge periods of time when I was not even aloud to call, but before those periods, Jesus gave me prophecies and words from Jesus for my two children. Jesus explained in the words he had me write that they were suffering and without their father and that they were not given the choice as to be without him or not, that Jesus had him leave and be gone for years. For their suffering they would be rewarded, "Many will say I made your dad rich, and I did,"Jesus went on and on and showed them a blessed life to come. Now, I am back from training and my children have seen miracles and know Jesus is making good on all his promises, and we are closer now than before and they were kept unharmed and blessed while I was gone. The dad that I am now is one who was trained by the ultimate father on how to love your children, and I spoil them rotten for being so good while I was gone. Jesus tells me to buy them the nicest of everything. They know I work for Jesus and that he personally gave me this wonderful joy filled life of luxury and fun, and they want to work for the same God I work for, and so would most if they truly grasped who Jesus is and what God wants for us.

Now, I feel the persecutions from church members because I tell them God made me wealthy because I obeyed his requests, "oh, no, God doesn't make people rich, oh no, that is not right, that is not something we teach around here." I feel like saying, "Do you just tear out the chapters that have God promising people who listen and obey that they will prosper, and be blessed in every way, and become lenders and receive one hundred times what they give up."

I tell you the truth. I have to laugh, I receive persecutions for doing what the Lord asked me to do and then more persecutions for being blessed by God in a huge way as he spoils me and tells me to buy another racing boat. "God would not tell him to buy an expensive boat like that!" I can just hear them now, no I can't the 800 horse power twin engines are too loud. I love Jesus who gives us back life that's truly life after we give up our life to him. What an awesome King.

I know an attorney who spends his free time, all of it pretty much, preaching about how great the news is for those who start listening to the Holy Spirit and hear their purpose, his lessons are dynamic and the crowds he speaks to are often brought to tears by the Holy Spirit as he touches their hearts. David, the attorney's name, speaks to a tough crowd as he has chosen prisoners as his target audience. The thing is David is being trained for a greater purpose as he touches the lives of men and gives them hope that the promises of God are for them when they are released from captivity. Sounds like a chapter in the Bible to me. The Holy Spirit shared with me that David's inner being was going to lead him to be in charge of an incredible amount of money for Jesus. My inner being told me that the money would be given to him by a man who Jesus personally trained in business and the man will boast that the many millions of dollars he is giving to David is Jesus' money and will tell David to do with it what the Holy Spirit and your inner being instruct you to; after you buy yourself the house they lead you to, the boat they tell you to buy, and the three automobiles Jesus picked out for you, then put ten million dollars in your personal account so Jesus can spoil you. God is tired of His people refusing his blessings, they may hear their purpose but never take the blessings, they keep giving them away, because some pastor with little wisdom or a mother or father burned it into their head that it was somehow Godly to be poor and sinful to be wealthy... Not scriptural, actually that is the opposite of a blessed man of God who listens and obeys according to one of the most repeated themes in scripture. The reason I know so much about David and his purpose is that after I met him the first time, the spirit had me write down all that I just shared and more so I could speak a prophecy over David Paul the next time I saw him which I did, and he received it filled by the Holy Spirit as I spoke. David Paul, great first and middle name, his name means King, Priest of God in Hebrew, I can't wait to hear that the prophecy came complete. Prophecies are often huge miracles that only Jesus or God could foretell and when written down they really can display God's miracle working power in men theses days and convince many to turn to God when they see proof that the prophecy was written and dated more than a year before it came complete, powerful testimony with proof of a miracle. I urge those who have the gift to do what they're asked every time, so maybe they will be raised up as a prophet who writes words of Jesus for individuals or the nations.

Do you receive words to give others from the spirit, if so that is the gift of prophecy, as long as it is a word of wisdom from God himself, it's a prophecy; it doesn't have to describe a future event, you don't have to write a book, just do what you are instructed when you hear it, and be raised up again and again. If you do what's right with a little, you will be put in charge of so much more. A leader, a lender, the head and not the tail, you will be respected and blessed in the country, in the city, in your work, in your investments, and in your side businesses, you'll be blessed in your children, you will be blessed as you go in and as you go out; to be blessed means that God will add to whatever He's blessing and make it better in a Godly way. So listen to the voice and obey his requests and become blessed in every way.

Many hear something so inspirational as the promises and gifts of God are for them; and they go out on fire and begin listening and meditating and learning, and start down a road to a powerful life but then, after a short period of time they get caught up in life and all its troubles and forget where they were heading, and how to stay in joy and on the right path with continual meditation, all day all night, without ceasing, asking what do you want me to do next Lord? Training takes time, and once we're trained, then we have to wait on the promises of the Lord, who does not change. One thing we must remember is that "a day with the Lord is like a thousand years and a thousand years is like a day, but the Lord is not slow in keeping his promises as some consider slowness, his patience leads to truly changed men." While we wait on the promises to come, we will learn lessons that are only learned during the waiting, and we will be forced to learn a higher level of patience, and we will have to deal with others not understanding what we are doing, or why, as we wait. We'll not be able to explain to many who love us why we are not working, or why we don't start the new business already, or why we haven't told the others who will be involved that we're about to start something huge for God; and we are likely to complain to the Lord on and off, "come on already, you promised so many things, let's do some of them at least, I'm ready, please God, just a few of the promises so I can keep busy while I wait," and after complaining we will be brought to joy somehow, even though the promises do not yet start.

Jesus told me, "I make all who have been trained for great purposes wait on the promises, I know what perfect suffering builds in a man." What I can tell you is that when God's time turns from a day being as long as a thousand years to a thousand years being like a day, oh the joy at the beginning where many things that you thought were going to take years happen, once the promises began, all happen in forty days instead. Go through those forty days and you'll beg God to slow down, and you will hear the Holy Spirit and your inner being laugh. "Those who wait on the Lord will soar on the wings of eagles." Are you ready to soar, you may think you are, and you may be about to learn exactly what Isaiah was talking about; but no one can truly be ready for forty days of God's time when promises began coming to them, no matter how long or how well they are trained. When we start soaring and come to the realization that we can't handle it, next comes the realization that we don't have to, God's power working through a man comes with angels and spirits and Jesus handling it, what we must continue to do is enjoy the flight and continually ask, what do I do next? And then do it. Oh the Joy in living in spirit while still on earth. I hope you get there soon, there is nothing more fulfilling than being the person God intended you to be, realizing you are a part of an eternal plan already where joy remains for those who work for Jesus. Chase your heart's desires, chase your purpose, chase spiritual wisdom with all you have, that's where true joy and fulfillment is, that's where a great purpose for you lies. Sell everything you have to find wisdom, the proverbs say, before that they say, after humility and fear of the Lord comes Honor, and Wealth, and Life. So become full of humility as you go against the grain and fear the Lord, in that if you don't do what your asked when you hear him you will live a stagnant life of stress and working a business that accomplishes little like most of the mediocre lives on earth. Do not except an average or a stagnant life; meditate on what the Lord wants you to do and become the superior individual God built you for and live in joy as you soar on the wings of eagles. Work for Jesus, he pays well.


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