Monday 24 November 2014

culled from:—K. Aleisha Fetters

Chances are you've heard that men hit their peak at 18. But is it really true that men are at the height of their sexual prowess when they're too young to know what to do with it? It depends on your definition of peak.
Around age 18, a guy's organs (read: his testicles) are producing the most sex-revving testosterone they ever will, according to Ava Cadell, Ph.D., a Los Angeles sexologist and founder of Research shows that barely legal men have the fastest and firmest erections and are the best equipped for encore performances.
But it takes about a full decade after your peak output to actually reach your max testosterone levels, meaning a guy's sexual desire doesn't actually spike until he's around 30 years old.
What about the gals? At around 30 years old, women achieve their Big O with more ease than they will at any other age, according to Cadell. Contrary to what's going on below guys' belts, women's sexuality is more psychological than physiological. "As women mature, they become more comfortable in their own skin and gain sexual confidence to communicate their wants, needs, and desires," she says.
Interestingly, a recent survey of more than 12,000 people found that women have the best sex of their lives at 28. Men, on the other hand, reported 33 to be the best sexual age.
Still, it's important to remember that sexual peaks—whether they're based on performance or satisfaction—vary from person to person depending on genetics, hormones, relationship quality, and psychological factors.
"The easiest way to reach your sexual peak, regardless of age, is to invest in your health outside of the bedroom," Cadell says. "Diet and exercise can go a surprisingly long way to improving your sex life—and not just because you'll look hotter. They can increase testosterone levels, cut stress, and promote healthy blood flow to . . . you know what." And remember, your bed is for more than just sex. According to a study published in Brain Research, logging enough sleep can help keep your testosterone levels and sex life at their best.


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