Friday 28 November 2014

One of the most important elements that provide us life here on earth is water. All of life processes are all possible through the aid of water. We can’t really survive without it, especially because our bodies are made up of over 65% of water. rn rn In general without water we simply would not be able to live! There may be a lot of medicines out there that can promise us improvement in health but the basic solution that we have to take every time we get sick and in maintaining our wellness is water. This is where the new breed of showering system has revolutionised our health, known as the hydro massage shower or otherwise known as the steam shower. rn rn The hydro shower has formed its name through the amazing therapeutic functions it provides our bodies. This is through a combination of strategically positioned jets that produce pressurised water jets to massage of bodies. rn rn We all know the comfort and the soothing feeling that taking a bath or a hot tub or the refreshing feel the shower can give us. The warmth of hot water against our bodies gives us a refreshing feeling that seems to remove all the physical pain and stress that we have accumulated during the day. The Hydro shower can also help us to be relieved from all the emotional stresses and strains accumulated throughout our lifestyle. rn rn The Hydro Shower is also proven to have a good effect in ones total cardiovascular health. Taking a shower with hot water can easily improve blood circulation. Warm water can help in vasodilation where the blood passages such as arteries and capillaries loosen thus making the circulation become a lot better. Through a better circulation of blood, our vital organs will be kept warm. With this also, we can avoid a lot of cardio vascular related diseases such as heart attacks, hypertensions and low blood pressure. Also with the good circulation of the blood in our body, we can improve the whole functioning of our body systems. rn rn Another famous health benefit that hydro showers can provide us is that they can make our skin to look better and be healthier. The warm water that a hydro shower can provide us is a very effective detoxifying agent. Once the warm water falls on our skin, it can easily wash off all the dirt, grime and the oil that had been accumulated in our pores. When these dirt and oil are reduced, our skin appears cleaner and fresher. Also some findings have resulted through hydro therapy significantly reducing skin problems such as acne, pimples, black heads and blemishes. It can also have a great effect on the skin tone. rn rn Through improved circulation that Hydro Shower can provide, one can also easily get relieved from muscle pains and other bodily aches. Physical pains like neck pain, back pain and muscle tensions can also be significantly reduced just by regularly using these forms of showers. rn rn Lastly, due to the warmth that we can get in hydrotherapy, we can experience a loss of weight. Warm water can help us perspire more and increase our metabolism, thus helping us losing more weight.


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