Past is prologue and savvy business owners who can detect the 3,000-year old patterns of “The Pendulum” can harness its force to build communities of loyal customers and avoid the hazards of being out of sync with their beliefs and needs. Cranberry Newswire features an exclusive interview with Michael R. Drew, co-author of the game-changing book “Pendulum: How Past Generations Shape Our Present and Predict the Future.”
It is noon on November 13, 2010. In the food court of a retail mall in Welland, Ontario, a young woman - perhaps in her late 20s or early 30s - dressed in blue jeans and a leather jacket, rises from her dining chair near the A&W Root Beer restaurant and begins operatically belting out the opening verse of Handel's Messiah.
Hallelujah, hallelujah.
Standing atop his chair, approximately 30 feet away, a casually attired baritone wearing a light blue hoodie, quickly chimes in.
Hallelujah, hallelujah.
Before this flash mob, which was organized by a tiny local photography business, is finished celebrating the Messiah, more than 80 singers from a local choral group will add their voices to the traditional Christmas-time oratorio.
To date, some 41.5 million viewers have enjoyed the Alphabet Photography flash mob video on YouTube - about the same number of people who watched this year’s telecast of The Oscars.
Alphabet Photography founder, Jennifer Blakeley, may not realize it, but she harnessed the power of "The Pendulum" - and her once-small business has flourished.
Matthew Inman has also tapped into "The Pendulum." He dreams of building a museum in the sleepy town of Shoreham, New York, to celebrate the genius of inventor Nikola Tesla - a man who historians now acknowledge actually invented many of the technologies that über-marketer and self-promoter Thomas Edison received credit for.
"Help Me Build A Goddamn Tesla Museum," Matthew proclaims on the crowd-funding site, Indiegogo.
You know what? So far more than 33,250 individuals have contributed a total of $1,370,461 to allow Matthew to do just that.
None of this comes as even a mild surprise to Michael R. Drew, who along with Roy H. Williams, is the author of Pendulum: How Past Generations Shape Our Present and Predict the Future, a game-changing book whose influence since its original release last October continues to ripple across continents.
As Drew explained during a recent exclusive interview with Cranberry Newswire, flash mobs and crowd-funding may be recent societal phenomena, but their emergence was predictable - if not their specific form.
Exclusive: Listen to or download audio excerpts from Cranberry's interview with Michael R. Drew:
Indeed, flash mobs and crowd-funding are an unambiguous outgrowth of the Pendulum’s recurring “We” cycles that date back at least 3,000 years and reach their Zenith, like clockwork, only once every 80 years.
“The idea is that in a ‘We’ cycle, we want to come together in groups to support what’s best for everybody,” Drew says.
The current “We” cycle began in 2003, placing us halfway through a 20-year upswing that will continue to mold our nation and culture through 2023.
Drew cautions, however, that now is the cyclical point in every Pendulum’s swing when people inevitably begin to adapt a “witch-hunt” mentality, where the prevailing attitude shifts to one summed up by the phrase: “I’m OK, you’re not OK.”
In the book Pendulum, Drew and Williams describe this hazardous period - that will last until 2033 (ten more years up in the “We” era, following by the first ten years back in the direction of a “Me” cycle) - as the season of us-versus-them Holy Wars. “We, the good and righteous defenders of truth and beauty, against them, the evil and sinister malefactors intent on destroying our way of life.”
Sound like any political posturing you’ve witnessed lately?
“In a witch-hunt cycle, people don’t want you to define what you stand for. They want you to define what you stand against,” says Drew.
Elaborating, Drew explains that the Pendulum deals with the psychology of groups and how group-think is cyclical and always takes a good thing too far - requiring a wholesale change in direction. Thus the Pendulum swings from one Zenith to the opposite Zenith, back and forth, in 80-year rotations.
Business owners, both big and small, be forewarned, Drew says, because companies are prime candidates to be the target of this powerful, emerging witch-hunt Pendulum cycle.
In his book, online courses, lectures and workshops, Drew advises businesses to anticipate the direction and power of the Pendulum and execute the necessary structural and organizational adjustments required to successfully ride along - rather than be crushed by the seismic societal oscillations.
The message and lessons of the Pendulum are resonating from the halls of academia - Drew has twice spoken to enthusiastic overflow auditoriums at Harvard University - to major business conferences, including the recent CEO Space International trade show in Las Vegas, where he was a keynote presenter.
For only $7, Drew and Williams will provide a 14-day introductory pass to their Pendulum in Action web-based marketing and trend forecasting system. Better still, those who register at Pendulum in Action will also receive a hardcover copy of the book Pendulum, shipped directly to their office or home.
Other, more in-depth online and face-to-face Pendulum training is also available.
Among those who’ve added their endorsements to Drew’s and Williams’s method of building intimate relationships with customers are Tony Hsieh, CEO of Zappos; Peter Diamandis, founder and chairman, X Prize Foundation; Ivan Misner, founder of BNI; and T. Harv Eker, author of the #1 New York Times bestseller, “Secrets of the Millionaire Mind.”
Drew promises that those business owners who delve more deeply into the power of The Pendulum will come away transformed.
Like Jennifer Blakeley, the photography business owner who captured the world’s imagination with her Messiah flash mob video, or Matthew Inman, who has recruited tens of thousands of contributors to his Tesla museum project, the Pendulum will be a boon to business owners who understand and act on its age-old powers to put them in congruence with the needs of their customers and audience.
The Pendulum was a force back in the days of King Solomon and remains no less potent today.
What has been will be again, what has been done will be done again; there is nothing new under the sun. Is there anything of which one can say, ‘Look! This is something new’? It was here already, long ago; it was here before our time. No one remembers the former generations, and even those yet to come will not be remembered by those who follow them.
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