Wednesday, 26 November 2014

When and how do you follow up a pitch for a media story with a journalist or reporter? This is an age old question that causes debate amongst both journalists and PR professionals. There is no definitive answer. It really depends on the context, content and media vehicle. So here are the arguments for and against media release follow-up with journalists.
The Case FOR
1.    Relationship building

Any communication helps build a relationship. A phone call is better than an email. A face-to-face meeting is better than a phone call.
2.    Timing

Before a daily editorial meeting journalists are looking for stories and are open to ideas. Pitch before this meeting - not when they are on a deadline.
3.    Information overload

Media get at least 200 media releases a day. A phone call is a good reminder. An email can easily be overlooked or deleted.
4.    Symbiotic nature

There is a symbiotic nature between the media and PR professionals. Research shows that up to 80 per cent of the original source of stories in daily metropolitan newspapers comes from a media release.

Journalists need PR people and PR people need journalists. End of story.
5.    Get on their database

Even if a journalist doesn't use your PR story, at least providing a media release and follow-up call gets you on their database and in their contact book if they do a story on your topic in future.
1.    Time poor

Media people are driven by deadlines and are the most time poor people on the planet when heading for a deadline. Time is their most precious resource so don't waste it.
2.    Audience

If the media release doesn't match the audience of the media, a phone call won't make one piece of difference.
3.    News value

Media make editorial decisions based on how newsworthy the story is. If it's not newsworthy, a phone call is a waste of time.
4.    Poor content

Poor content in a media release can't be overcome by a phone call.
5.    Poor headline

If the headline doesn't immediately grab the attention of the media, a phone call is wasted
So there you have both sides of the story.
My personal view - a well targeted, well timed, well written media release should be followed up with a phone call if it warrants it. Pre-pitch phone calls work best and always have your media pack ready to go straight after the call.


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