Tuesday, 25 November 2014

culled from:www.1article.com

Everyone wants to know whether he will succeed in business, profession or occupation. This is a desire which creeps in everyone's mind. Everyone wants to be a successful businessman or a successful company executive or a high Govt. official. But this can't be true in each and every one's case. His horoscope will indicate whether he will be successful or not.

For getting success either in business or profession the 5th and 10th houses are the two most important houses for consideration. The 5th house stands for intellect (Budhi), talent, children, belly, Vedic knowledge, Poorva-Punya Sthana (virtuous act done in past life), amusements, affections, conception, creativity (artistic and literary output), dramatic ability, inclination to express clearly, love affairs, romance, sex, investments, gambling, speculation etc.
Its key word is creativity. In the 5th house, life becomes venturesome, here romance have fun. The operational system of Laws of Chance are operated by the fifth house. It is also the house of pride and fame, or infamy where you earn the right to be proud or suffer the agony of personal defeat. Mind, Heat and output characterize the 5th house with creativity, its purpose. Creativity along all lines are indicated by this house.
The fifth house is the house of progeny. It indicates whether you will have children or not. Benefics in the fifth or the Moon in the 5th increases the number of children. Fruitful signs (Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces) on the cusp of the 5th or 11th promise children. Barren signs (Aries, Leo and Virgo) on the cusps of the 5th or 11th may deny children. The fifth house signifies the first-child, the 7th indicates the second, the 9th the third and so on.
The fifth house is called a Trine house showing `Poorva Punya'. It is thus termed as Poorva Punya Sthana or Lakshmi Sthana. It indicates what meritorious deeds you had done in your past life. What you had done in your past life, you will have to feel its consequences in this present life. What you are doing in this present life, you will have to feel its consequences in your next life. This is the Law of Karma. In the Bhagvad Gita, Lord Krishna has explained this very lucidly. So from this house, you will be able to know whether you will succeed in your business, profession or occupation. Benefics in the 5th denote quick success in business or profession. Malefics denote failure in business or occupation.
Alan Leo has said, "The first, fifth, and ninth houses represent the personal man in very marked degree showing his present, past, and future consciousness symbolically."
Now let me find out which planet or planets if posited in the 5th will help the native to get success in business, profession or occupation.
Mars in the 5th house denotes very unsettled and inharmonious home life, in which discord and disputes are frequent. The native may be rash, arrogant, harsh, irritated, impulsive, hard-hearted in his behaviour. He may not have any son or he may get his children only through caesarian operation. He may incur heavy losses through rash speculation and gambling. Mars in the 5th is not good for getting success in business or profession. It is also not good for accumulation of money. The native will be a back-bite and may suffer reverses in career. It causes sickness to children or premature death of a child. There will be trouble from enemies. The native eats much and he suffers from stomach trouble.
The Sun in the 5th house denotes success in speculation and matters of enterprise, also gain through children, pleasure, society and entertainments. It is favourable for courtships and promise a successful and honourable attachment. If the Sun is afflicted in the 5th, it is very evil and it indicates much loss through speculation or enterprise and trouble in courtships through pride and jealousy. It also shows premature death or illness of a son, devoid of wealth; not very long lived. But the native will be intelligent and learned. He will be courageous and vanquishes his enemies but he may suffer from stomach ailments.
Jupiter in the 5th house is a very favourable position for getting success in business or profession. It promises much speculation or gambling and also in love affairs. He native will certainly become rich, wealthy and prosperous. His children will also rise very high in life. The native will be intelligent, clever, witty, dexterous, and may occupy a very high position in life. But the native will suffer from stomach troubles.
Venus in the 5th denotes successful love affairs; the capacity to fully enjoy and extract the full measure of joy of life. It gives ability to entertain others and indicates success as film-actor, film-director, dramatists etc. This position of Venus makes one's children artistic and gives them good musical ability. It also indicates that the native will be rich wealthy and prosperous in life. But he will be amorous and will lead a comfortable life. He will be learned, intelligent and will speak very well. He may be successful in trade and commerce. He annihilates his enemies. If Venus is strong, he may occupy a good position as a secretary, magistrate or a judge.
The Moon in the 5th makes the native intelligent, and witty. He will be successful in trade and commerce. He may rise to a high position in life. As the Moon is a very fluctuating planet, the native will have many changes in his business, profession or occupation. He may get fluctuations in his love affairs too. He will get good friends. The native will get a child who will have fame or notoriety.
Mercury in the 5th makes the native fickle-minded. He will change his business, profession or occupation very frequently. But the native will get a creative mind, creative talent and ready wit. If jointly posited with Jupiter or the Moon, the native may become a creative artist, novelist or scientist. The native may rise very high in life; he may become a minister, ambassador or counselor. He will have a great thirst for knowledge and love for poetry and may be humorous. He will be religious minded, he will be rich, wealthy and prosperous in life.
Saturn in the fifth is also very good sign of delayed success in life. Although there may be delay, disappointment and hindrance in his path of progress, still he will be able to rise very high in life. Saturn and Jupiter in the 5th may confer creative talent. But he may suffer for want of sons or there might be premature death of a son. The native will be honest and sincere in his work. He will follow the right path. He can't follow underhand business.
But the native will get the most brilliant success in his business, profession or occupation if Rahu is placed in the 5th in his natal chart. As Rahu is the lord of the Asuras, his wants are unlimited. He does not remain satisfied with petty things of life. He will not follow man-made laws and he will follow his own path. He prefers secret and underhand business. So Rahu in the 5th will make the native rich, wealthy and prosperous in life. But he may not have any son or there may be premature lost of one child. Ketu in the 5th also gives similar results.
The tenth house is called `Karma Sthana'. It indicates livelihood, work, commerce, trade, business, success, rank and position, good conduct, honour, sacrifice, command, quality, wealth, wisdom, inclination and occupation. The 10th house is the house of lordship, honour, dignity and public esteem. It is rightly called as the apex of the horoscope since it denotes man's worldly attainments. It also denotes one's public life and popularity, his worldly achievements etc. All questions with regard to one's worldly activities and moral responsibilities are determined with reference to this house.
The 10th house indicates one's inclination to rise in business, profession or occupation. It also shows how he will fare in his business, profession or occupation. The houses 2nd, 6th and 10th are known as the material trinity of houses and these houses jointly indicate how he will fare in his business, profession or occupation. The 2nd house stands for self-acquisition, liquid funds, capability to earn and save and the 6th house stands for servants and subordinate staff and his behaviour with them. The 10th house has reference to the employer, superior, master in trade or profession and the Govt.
In Uttara Kalamritam, Kalidas states that all information with regard to trade, prosperity, honour from Govt., honourable living, permanence, pre-eminence, seal of authority, service, sacrifice, name and fame, morality, thigh etc., are indicated by the 10th house.
Now let me find out which planet or planets if placed in the 10th house will confer upon the native to achieve success in his business, profession or occupation.
It is said that Mars or the Sun in the 10th helps one to rise to the top very quickly. It is the surest sign of success, honour, distinction, authority, power, prosperity, high patronage and public support. Any aspect of Mars to the Sun in the 10th house is also considered highly auspicious for rising very high in life. But the conjunction of Rahu and Mars or Rahu and the Sun in the 10th is the most mighty conjunction for rising very high in life. The Sun will give love of power with ability to rule and command and will fit the native in high executive post. The Sun gives success and honour in the middle portion of life; right means of livelihood and the ability to become independent, prosperous and successful in whatever business, profession or occupation the native may follow.
The militant Mars in the 10th house with good aspects confers the native with high energy and enterprise, force, masterful spirit, enough courage, high ambition, and good executive ability. Mars in the 10th gives high ambition, strong determination, moral strength, intellectual vigour, bombastic, vindictive power, secrecy and shrewdness. The native will be able to rise very high in life or he will become a top business magnet (if in a moveable sign). Mars being a planet of inexhaustible energy and enterprise will if well aspected help the native to rise at the top very quickly. Mars will provide power and ability to rule and command and will give employment in which muscular energy is necessary, hazardous and skilful operations in which there is always an element of risk and danger.
Rahu is the lord of the Asuras. His wants are insatiable. He does not remain satisfied with petty things of life. He follows his own path. His desires are also unlimited. So if Rahu and the Sun are placed in the 10th, it is a sure sign of early prosperity and success in life. This conjunction in the 10th promises the native to become a political leader or a top business executive or a high Govt. official.
Jupiter is a priest. His wants are petty. He remains satisfied wit small things. So if Jupiter is placed in the 10th, the native will be a moderate man. He will earn his livelihood through right path and honest way. He can't do any underhand or secret business. So Jupiter gives success as merchants, physicians, lawyers, ministers and bankers.
Venus is a planet of luxury. Venus if placed in the 10th, makes one amorous and he may succeed in artistic or musical pursuits. Venus in the 10th will give refined and artistic occupations and all businesses directly connected with females, adornment, finery, jewellery, dramas, films, pleasure and luxury.
Saturn in the 10th will certainly take the native to the top. This position gives some power, pride, ambition, name and fame. But all these will be short-lived. He will experience both rise and fall. Saturn fits the native to grave responsibility and also to follow pursuits that require deep study and patient planning. Saturn in the 10th makes one architects, surveyors, contractors, miners, builders, holders of high public positions, high Govt. positions etc. But the most remarkable point is that Saturn in the 10th along with the Moon makes one great religious leader. We find this combination in the horoscopes of many world renowned religious leaders like Swami Vivekananda, Gautam Budha, Swami Sivananda, Thakur Shri Shri Sitaramdas Onkarnathji etc.
The Moon in the 10th gives too much changes or fluctuations in business, profession or occupation. If well-aspected, it gives many advantageous and desirable changes. In cardinal signs, it denotes great ambitions and a very active life. In fixed signs, it gives more stability and perseverance. In mutable signs, it gives less fortune but more ability without adequate opportunity. If conjoined with Jupiter, the native will be rich, wealthy and prosperous in life.
Mercury in the 10th indicates that the native will be a moderate man. He may frequently change his business, profession or occupation as Mercury is a fickle-minded planet. Mercury in the 10th gives all employments requiring study, skill and ingenuity. He may be a writer, novelist, dramatist, lecturer, clerk, or bank manager.
The lords of the first, fifth and tenth must be placed in angular or trine houses in order to get success in business, profession or occupation. If any of these three lords is placed in a Trik house (3/6/8/12), the native does not get the desired result. So the lords of the 1/5/10th must be placed in angular or trine houses in a natal chart in order to get high position in life. This is the most important point for consideration.
If we examine the horoscopes of world's great men, we find the following:- Marshall Tito (Mars, exalted in the 10th); John F. Kennedy (Ketu and Saturn in the 10th); Deshabandhu C. R. Das (Mars in Leo and in the 10th and the Moon in the 5th); Smt. Indira Gandhi (the Sun and Mercury in a violent sign-Scorpio the 5th); etc.
So, if the Sun, Mars or Rahu jointly or singly placed in the 10th, the native will surely rise very high in life. These three planets are considered highly auspicious if they are found in the 10th house in a natal chart. Any aspect of the sun, Mars or Rahu in the 10th will also confer upon the native the power to rise very high in life. Now turn to your own horoscope and judge accordingly.


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