Monday, 3 November 2014

culled from:

You may have heard the saying "time is money" -- maybe it's even your mantra. But your time can be much more valuable than money. Sure, getting a handle on time can boost your productivity. But it can also go a long way toward putting your life in balance, and open up opportunities for those things that really fulfill you. Additionally, time management can help you reduce stress, which often stems from disorganization, procrastination and an avalanche of distractions.
It might help to begin by realizing some misconceptions about time management. Most people talk about managing time, but the truth is that time flows by no matter what. Time management is really self-management. In most cases, each person is his or her own worst time waster. You may think it's interruptions and other intrusions that eat into your time. Yet every day, you probably find yourself spending idle time on the Internet, chatting with colleagues and putting off important tasks.
Time management does not mean doing more; it means doing the right things. It should help you accomplish more by working less [source: Taylor]. In some cases, time management software or gadgets might be helpful, but you don't really have to use them to get a handle on your time. What you really need is the commitment to establish good time-management habits.


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