Wednesday 31 December 2014

culled from:
Working from home takes discipline, discipline I thought I had.   I have just moved into an office and out of my home office.  The home office had been my dream for years, to work in a more relaxed atmosphere, and it worked for a while.

There are pro and cons working from home; the first thing to consider is your own personality.  Do you need someone else to motivate you to work?  If this is the case you might be much better in an office or even just working for someone else.

Can you shut out all distractions and work away, and do you have the space at home?  It is no good thinking that box room under the stairs will be fine one you have jammed in a desk – this might work for a week or so, but soon you will find yourself with the laptop on the couch in the middle of the day.  Bear in mind the kids may be at school at this time of year, but what is going to be like come the summer?

If you have enough space and it is quiet, you are very motivated on your own, and you don’t mind long periods of isolation – then working from home might be for you.

I have just moved myself into an office, a shared office with people in complementary lines of work.  After working at home for the last three years I had noticed my productivity level going down and down quite dramatically.

The first year was great, there was a freedom in being able to just walk to my room and sit and work.  I used this year to discipline myself, work every day, planning my time and my week.  The second year was the best, I managed to combine a relaxed home life with a life style business.

During the third year it all changed as the result of my work moving from a life style business to something more substantial, for some reason at the same time my motivation levels dropped and I noticed myself having less interaction with the world.

Since moving into an office my motivation has picked up again.  However the biggest surprise is the amount of work that I can get done in an office compared to home.  I had missed how all the little distractions slowly start to build up.  Now there are very few distractions and I have the added benefit of sharing ideas with others in similar fields.

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