Method 1 of 2: Flirting by Texting or Chatting
Keep your approach casual. Don't let yourself get so nervous that you forget basic conversational skills. Instead, try to stay calm
and open the conversation in a low-pressure way. If you've never
chatted with the person online before, you may even find an excuse for
talking to him, like asking a question about homework or talking about a
sports team you both like. If you're texting a person for the first
time, make sure he or she knows who you are and that they don't feel
creeped out. Here are some ways to start a conversation through text or
- "Hey, how's it going?"
- "Did you see/hear [insert event you both know about here]?"
- "How's your week going?"
Don't talk about yourself too much.
The majority of people are most comfortable talking about themselves
because it's a topic they know well. Instead of taking the easy way out
and discussing you endlessly, encourage the other person to talk
about him or herself. However, you can and should occasionally throw
some personal facts in the person's direction to help them to ask
questions about you in turn. The key is to leave it up to them to pursue
an interest in things relevant to yourself.
- This tactic actually serves two purposes: Not only does it keep the conversation going, but it allows you to find out more about your crush.
- You don't have to possess prior information about the other person
to do this step. If you don't know him or her very well yet, you can
- "How did your day go?"
- "So, what do you do with your free time?"
- If you do know the other person a bit, focus on a hobby or interest you're already aware of. For instance, maybe he's really into basketball, or you know she loves to read. "Did you see the game last night?" or "Have you read any good books lately?" would be great starts.
Know when to press for more information.
You can keep the discussion lively and interesting without probing too
deeply on personal topics. For instance, asking your crush what exactly
he or she likes about running cross-country would be a great idea;
asking him or her for more details on family relationships or close
friendships would be too much, too soon. You can do it in a joking,
flirtatious bantering way that doesn't feel too serious, or like you're
interviewing the person. Here are some ways to ask for more information
- "So are you planning on spending all night online or do you have more exciting plans for this evening?"
- "Are you going to kick some butt in tonight's game?"
- "I've noticed the cute kitty in your profile picture. Is that who you spend most of your time with?"

Compliment your crush early in the conversation.
Don't chicken out and skip this step — it might seem difficult, but
it's incredibly important. A compliment communicates that you're
potentially interested in dating, and steers you away from the dreaded
friend-zone. If you skip paying your crush a compliment and simply keep
the conversation on a friendly level, it might be too late next time.
Here are some basic compliments you could use:
- If you don't know your crush very well yet, but you're working on it, use a compliment oriented in this direction. Say something like, "It's so easy to talk to you," or "I kind of can't believe I'm getting to know someone as interesting as you."
- Try weaving the compliment into the conversation. For instance, if the girl you like is talking about how she had a terrible day, you could say something like "I hate seeing someone as beautiful as you feel so unhappy. What can I do to help?"
Be bold.
If none of the suggestions above appeal to you, go for broke and pay
your crush a bold compliment. Try these possibilities, using the
adjective that fits your crush best or substituting your own:
- "I hope you know you're gorgeous/beautiful/amazing/my favorite person to talk to/etc."
- "Sorry if this is too forward, but I have to say that you're incredible/an amazing person/so beautiful/etc."
Don't come on too strong.
Avoid loading compliments with feelings too early. Leaving a person
slightly uncertain of the extent of your feelings for them can increase
your attractiveness, giving you a bit of a mysterious edge. The point is
not to make the person question whether you like them at all, but to
make them wonder how much you like them. If you just openly say,
"I have a big crush on you" or "I've always thought you were so hot,"
then you're taking the mystery out of the exchange.
- Instead, you can send a text or a message that says something like, "You looked cute in your new sweater today" or another comment that is nice and flirtatious without giving it all away.
Convince your crush to pursue you instead of having to do the work yourself.
Though flirting should let the person know that you like him or her,
you shouldn't make it seem like you're doing all of the work. Instead,
you should be just flattering enough so that the person knows you're
interested, but leave him or her to wonder just how much you care. To
achieve this, try phrasing compliments objectively rather than
subjectively. Here are examples of objective vs subjective compliments:
- "I really like your eyes, they're so pretty." On the surface this compliment may seem fine, and it probably would be appreciated. However a common flaw in phrasing a romantic compliment is to constantly use the words "I like/love *insert trait here*". They tell the person that they've succeeded in winning your heart. This is great if you've already built up a solid relationship, but early on it can make you seem "too easy".
- "You have great eyes, they're very pretty". Although technically both sentences are you conveying that you like the person's eyes, this one makes it more of an observation than a personal opinion. It implies that you find the person attractive but does not confirm it outright. As such, the receiver will feel both flattered and drawn to figure out how much attractive you find them.
Tease gently. Because
you can't use body language to communicate over text or chat, you'll
have to rely on your words to keep the mood light and fun. Rely on
inside jokes (based on events you were both present for), sarcasm
("Yeah, I'm SURE you look like an ogre in the morning ;)"), and
exaggeration ("You're probably a million times better at this than I
am") in the beginning.
- Make it clear that you're kidding. The drawback of using text to
communicate is that you can't always read the emotion behind the words.
If you're going to flirt with someone by teasing them, make extra sure
that you're implying it's a joke. You can use winking smiley faces, all
caps, or exclamation points to communicate this. Just don't overdo it
with the emoticons or it'll begin to feel corny for the other person.
- If you've already sent something that could be interpreted the wrong way, make your meaning crystal clear. Say something like "(joke)" or "jk" to make a quick save.

Always leave your crush wanting more.
As much as you might want to text this person forever, it's best to bow
out before the conversation goes stale (as all conversations are bound
to do at some point). The best way to avoid an awkward pause is to leave
before one happens. Ending the conversation on a good note will lead
your conversational partner to look forward to the next time you can
- Set up your next interaction before you go. Throw out something like "Hey, so I'll see you around tomorrow?" or "I'll talk to you soon."
- If you're chatting online, note that you enjoyed the conversation just before you leave. It doesn't have to be complicated — a simple "This was awesome" or "I had a good time talking to you" is enough. If you're texting, you can be a bit more casual about it.
- Be careful not to over-compliment your crush. Your compliments will have a lot less meaning if you bestow them for every single positive trait the person has. Instead reserve them for meaningful things that are important to the person, such as complimenting a skill they take pride in.
Don't take it too seriously.
Keep in mind that flirting is supposed to be fun, and try not to be
crushed if your efforts aren't successful — not every interaction will
be a perfect 10. Stay positive, and try again with someone else. As with
anything else, flirting improves with practice. Flirting also doesn't
have to have an endgame; not every flirtation ends in a date. Sometimes,
you may just want to flirt for the fun of it, instead of hoping it will
go somewhere.
- Flirting can help you meet new people, feel more comfortable, and learn to mingle. You don't need to put any pressure on yourself to make it mean something or to be perfect.
Method 2 of 2: Flirting In-Person
Make eye contact.
Eye contact is the best and easiest thing you can do to start flirting.
You can look deeply into the person's eyes while also taking time to
break eye contact to keep things from getting too intense. Consider
using it in these ways:
- Get caught looking. Don't stare, but do throw small glances at someone. Keep doing it until he or she catches you. Hold the gaze for a second, smile, and look away.
- Look into his or her eyes when you talk, particularly at meaningful points in the conversation (for example, while you're paying a compliment).
- Wink or raise your eyebrows at your crush. It's cheesy, but it works if used sparingly. Do it when you're looking at someone from across a room, or if you're talking in a group and say something really meant for him or her.
- Girls can try looking at a guy, lowering your gaze, and looking up at the guy again through lowered lashes.

Smile. You'll probably
smile automatically if you're talking to someone you like, but you can
use your pearly whites to your advantage before the conversation even
starts. You can even smile at the person when you pass him or her by in
the halls, or just from across the room. You don't have to grin from ear
to ear, either; just a simple, subtle smile will do the trick. Try
these variations:
- Smile slowly. If you're looking at someone but not talking to them, try letting a slow smile spread over your face instead of breaking into an insta-grin. Slow, languid smiles are generally considered sexy.
- Smile when you make eye contact. If you're suddenly looking into someone's eyes, toss in a smile for extra appeal. (If it's a genuine smile, the other person will see it without even looking at your mouth — it will crinkle your eyes, and is known as a Duchenne smile.)
- Try smiling with your eyes, not just your mouth. Make your whole face light up when you smile.
Start talking. Introduce yourself — or maintain the mystery
(optional). If you don't already know the person you're flirting with,
an introduction (or lack of one) can be a great thing to build flirting
around. Avoid the urge to have a cheesy pick-up line. Saying "Hi"
followed by an introduction or a simple question is much more effective
and less forced.
- If your crush doesn't know your name and you're a naturally gregarious person, try introducing yourself at some point. It can be as simple as, "Hi, I'm [name]. And you are...?" Make sure you get the other person's name. To help yourself remember it, try repeating it after he or she says it to you. (Such as "Lily. I love that name.")
- Or, if you want to make yourself seem like a bit of a challenge, work to keep your identity a mystery for a little while. If the other person really wants to know, he or she will ask around or keep pursuing you.

Initiate a conversation.
Whether you already know the other person or not, a conversation is the
best way to move the flirtation forward. The person you're flirting
with will be impressed by your boldness and confidence. Here are a few
- Talk to someone you don't already know. Perhaps the best way to strike up a conversation is to start with an observation which ends with a question: "I can't believe how much it's rained this week" or "This place sure is packed, eh?" What you say isn't important — you are simply inviting the person to talk with you.
- Find common ground with someone you do know. If you've already met the other person, strike up a conversation based on a shared experience or interest. For instance, you might talk about a class you're taking together, or the train you both take to work. Again, the topic itself doesn't matter — what matters is that you're inviting him or her to interact with you.
- Gauge the response. If the person responds pleasantly, continue the conversation. If the person doesn't respond or seems preoccupied or disinterested, he or she probably isn't interested in flirting with you.
Keep it light. Don't
bring up anything too personal when you're talking. Talk about the
environment around you, the show you just saw, etc. Keep personal
information (such as religion, money, relationships, education, and so
on) out of it, unless the person enjoys intellectual debates without
becoming over-emotional. Generally, it's best to avoid debating topics
personally relevant to either of you (such as either yours or their
religion), and to rather discuss topics you both don't have a personal
stake in.
- It's easier to flirt when you're talking about more fun and light hearted topics, such as your pets, reality television, or your favorite vacation spots. This doesn't mean you have to dumb yourself down to flirt, but it does mean you have to relax and avoid the deep talk for a while.
- Be playful. Being playful means not taking yourself too seriously, being a bit silly, playfully hitting your crush, or talking about something slightly offbeat or unexpected. It also means not putting too much pressure on yourself over the course of the conversation.

Use body language to communicate your intentions.
Non-verbal cues can say a lot more about how you feel than what's
actually coming out of your mouth, so make sure you're communicating how
you feel. Try the following:
- Keep your stance "open." Don't cross your arms or legs, as these are generally signs that you wish to isolate yourself from the other person.
- Turn your body toward the other person. Stand or sit so that you're facing the person you're flirting up. Angle your torso toward him or her, or point your feet in that direction.
- Break the "touch barrier". Casually initiate physical contact by touching him or her on the forearm as you talk, or by "accidentally" walking too close and brushing up against the other person.
- Play with your hair (girls). Playing with your hair is usually a sign of nervousness, which is a good thing if you like the other person — you almost want him or her to know you're nervous, because it means you're interested. To consciously communicate this, slowly twirl a strand of hair around your finger as you talk.
Break the touch barrier.
The first few times you touch your crush, be careful not to "trap" him
or her. Depending on the area, the contact should be long enough to be
more than accidental, but no more. Avoid grasping a hand or arm, and
instead try gestures such as brushing an imaginary speck of dirt off of
their arm, or "accidentally" touching feet or knees without pulling
- All of these touches can be rejected without humiliation or offense, so if your crush is not ready for that kind of contact, you will not be forcing them to reject you entirely.
Compliment the other person early in the conversation.
It might seem too forward, but letting him or her know you're
interested in dating before a solid friendship begins is the easiest way
to detour around the friend-zone. Get confident, and don't let the opportunity slip by — you never know when you'll get another one. Here are some techniques to try:
- Maintain eye contact while you're complimenting. Looking away might accidentally make you seem insincere.
- Lower the tone and volume of your voice slightly. Paying a compliment in a slightly lower register than your usual speaking voice makes it seem intimate and sexy. Plus, it might also coax the other person to come closer to hear you.
- Use your crush's other interests to your advantage. If you know this person is dating (or interested in) someone else, you can use this to your advantage in a compliment.
- Try weaving the compliment into the conversation. For instance, if the girl you like is talking about how she had a terrible day, you could say something like "I hate seeing someone as beautiful as you feel so unhappy. What can I do to help?"
Be careful about complimenting looks. A girl might like it if you
notice her eyes, but she might label you as creepy if you say she has a
nice figure too soon. Play it safe and stick to these physical
- Eyes
- Smile
- Lips
- Hair
- Hands
Keep your interactions short and sweet.
Remember that the key to creating demand is making supply scarce, so
try to limit your interactions with the object of your flirtations.
Don't talk to him or her every single day. Make it a special event and
save it for a few times a week.
- Don't let conversations drag on for more than 5 or 10 minutes. The longer they go on, the higher your odds of running into an awkward silence.
- Let the other person come to you. After you've put in the work of starting up the interaction and sparking an interest, pull back a bit and see if he or she seeks you out for an interaction. This can be a good way to gauge interest, as well as build tension.

Close the deal. If your
flirting has been successful so far, and you want to get to know the
other person better, it's time to see if you can turn it into a date.
Here are a few approaches:
- Ask if the other person has plans at a later date. For instance, you might say, "So, what are you up to on Saturday night?" Try to keep this an open question, instead of one that requires a yes or no answer — you'll get more information that way. Don't ask someone what he or she is doing tonight, or even tomorrow. Try to schedule the date a few days out so that you don't come off as overly desperate.
- Suggest a specific event, and ask if he or she would like to come along. This is the best approach if you're trying to arrange a group date. You could say something like, "So a bunch of us were going to see a movie on Friday, and I'd really like it if you came with us."
- Be straightforward. If you're feeling extra confident, go in for the kill without any pretense. For instance, you could say something like, "I'd really love to take you on a date. When are you free?"
its normal to be nervous around people you like but better to control it than to lose it
ReplyDeleteits not always being comfortable with the person with you but social networking as make it easier for us
ReplyDeletekeep your approach casual
ReplyDeleteKeep your approach casual. Don't let yourself get so nervous that you forget basic conversational skills. Instead, try to stay calm and open the conversation in a low-pressure way. If you've never chatted with the person online before, you may even find an excuse for talking to him, like asking a question about homework or talking about a sports team you both like. If you're texting a person for the first time, make sure he or she knows who you are and that they don't feel creeped out. Here are some ways to start a conversation through text or chatting:
ReplyDelete"Hey, how's it going?"
"Did you see/hear [insert event you both know about here]?"
"How's your week going?"
By: Yusuf Taiwo Yusuf
The majority of people are most comfortable talking about themselves because it's a topic they know well. Instead of taking the easy way out and discussing you endlessly, encourage the other person to talk about him or herself. However, you can and should occasionally throw some personal facts in the person's direction to help them to ask questions about you in turn. The key is to leave it up to them to pursue an interest in things relevant to yourself.
ReplyDeleteThis tactic actually serves two purposes: Not only does it keep the conversation going, but it allows you to find out more about your crush.
You don't have to possess prior information about the other person to do this step. If you don't know him or her very well yet, you can ask:
"How did your day go?"
"So, what do you do with your free time?"
By: Sekiru Oladimeji Semiu
hang around with him/her.go to watch movies together.
ReplyDeleteIt is also good to put on good dressing in order to attract ladies
by showing a casual interest in someone and trying to attract someone sexually but without having serious relationship.
ReplyDeletehang around with her nw
ReplyDeleteyou must hang with a new person
ReplyDeleteStart off by smiling at her. Then, pick your strategy.
ReplyDeleteIf you don't know her, start off by asking her name. Pay her a compliment. "That shirt is a great color on you" or "I couldn't help noticing the way that necklace really brings out your eyes."
Set up a conversation starter without talking to her. For instance, if she's wearing a shirt with the logo of a great band on it, and you have some of that band's music on your iPod, then put your earbuds on and slightly turn the iPod screen toward her so that she can see what's playing. Who knows--she might actually start a conversation with you.
By: Obembe Dare Tosin
Look your best. Give yourself an added boost of confidence by looking your very best whenever your crush is around. This doesn't mean tiny skirts, high heels and lashings of mascara - it just means that you should take some pride in your appearance by being well-groomed and neatly dressed. If you look your best, you'll feel your best - which is essential for successful flirting!
ReplyDeleteKeep your hair clean and fresh-smelling, brush your teeth, shave where necessary, paint your nails - anything that makes you feel pretty and puts an extra pep in your step.
Wear clean, non-wrinkled clothes that you feel comfortable in - you can't go wrong with a nice fitting pair of jeans!
Try out different hairstyles - curly, straight, in a bun, in a fishtail braid - to create a fresh new look each day. The same goes for make-up - experiment with different colors and trends til you find a look that makes you feel good.
By: Ogundipe Oluwafunmike Grace
Look your best. Give yourself an added boost of confidence by looking your very best whenever your crush is around. This doesn't mean tiny skirts, high heels and lashings of mascara - it just means that you should take some pride in your appearance by being well-groomed and neatly dressed. If you look your best, you'll feel your best - which is essential for successful flirting!
ReplyDeleteKeep your hair clean and fresh-smelling, brush your teeth, shave where necessary, paint your nails - anything that makes you feel pretty and puts an extra pep in your step.
Wear clean, non-wrinkled clothes that you feel comfortable in - you can't go wrong with a nice fitting pair of jeans!
Try out different hairstyles - curly, straight, in a bun, in a fishtail braid - to create a fresh new look each day. The same goes for make-up - experiment with different colors and trends til you find a look that makes you feel good.
By: Ogundipe Oluwafunmike Grace
Close the deal. If your flirting has been successful so far, and you want to get to know the other person better, it's time to see if you can turn it into a date. Here are a few approaches:
ReplyDeleteAsk if the other person has plans at a later date. For instance, you might say, "So, what are you up to on Saturday night?" Try to keep this an open question, instead of one that requires a yes or no answer — you'll get more information that way. Don't ask someone what he or she is doing tonight, or even tomorrow. Try to schedule the date a few days out so that you don't come off as overly desperate.
Suggest a specific event, and ask if he or she would like to come along. This is the best approach if you're trying to arrange a group date. You could say something like, "So a bunch of us were going to see a movie on Friday, and I'd really like it if you came with us."
Be straightforward. If you're feeling extra confident, go in for the kill without any pretense. For instance, you could say something like, "I'd really love to take you on a date. When are you free?
Eye contact is the best and easiest thing you can do to start flirting. You can look deeply into the person's eyes while also taking time to break eye contact to keep things from getting too intense. Consider using it in these ways:
ReplyDeleteGet caught looking. Don't stare, but do throw small glances at someone. Keep doing it until he or she catches you. Hold the gaze for a second, smile, and look away.
Look into his or her eyes when you talk, particularly at meaningful points in the conversation (for example, while you're paying a compliment).
Wink or raise your eyebrows at your crush. It's cheesy, but it works if used sparingly. Do it when you're looking at someone from across a room, or if you're talking in a group and say something really meant for him or her.
Smile slowly. If you're looking at someone but not talking to them, try letting a slow smile spread over your face instead of breaking into an insta-grin. Slow, languid smiles are generally considered sexy.
ReplyDeleteSmile when you make eye contact. If you're suddenly looking into someone's eyes, toss in a smile for extra appeal. (If it's a genuine smile, the other person will see it without even looking at your mouth — it will crinkle your eyes, and is known as a Duchenne smile.)
As much as you might want to text this person forever, it's best to bow out before the conversation goes stale (as all conversations are bound to do at some point). The best way to avoid an awkward pause is to leave before one happens. Ending the conversation on a good note will lead your conversational partner to look forward to the next time you can chat.
ReplyDeleteSet up your next interaction before you go. Throw out something like "Hey, so I'll see you around tomorrow?" or "I'll talk to you soon."
Start off by smiling at her. Then, pick your strategy.
ReplyDeleteIf you don't know her, start off by asking her name. Pay her a compliment. "That shirt is a great color on you" or "I couldn't help noticing the way that necklace really brings out your eyes."
Set up a conversation starter without talking to her. For instance, if she's wearing a shirt with the logo of a great band on it, and you have some of that band's music on your iPod, then put your earbuds on and slightly turn the iPod screen toward her so that she can see what's playing. Who knows--she might actually start a conversation with you.
It is also good to put on good dressing in order to attract ladies
Make eye contact. Eye contact is a key flirting technique which can be implemented anywhere, at any time, as long as your crush is in sight. While you don't want it to look like you're staring deep into his soul, lingering eye contact will show him you're interested.
ReplyDeleteIt will also be a good indicator of his interest—if he holds the eye contact, he's probably into you. If he looks away he might just be shy.
One good trick is to look directly at him until he catches you looking. When he does, hold eye contact for a moment or two before smiling and looking away.
If you're feeling particularly cheeky, you could throw in a wink!