1. Don't make it about you.
The sneaky insertion of self-congratulation is the Speech-Transmitted
Disease of our times. For instance, "Years ago I was marching up the
ladder at P&G and Jon supported my idea of adding a touch of
gunpowder to Attack Body Spray. The success of Attack led to my becoming
V.P. of Teen Odor Control. That's the kind of guy Jon is."
Nope. That's the kind of guy you are.
You're there to say nice things about your friend or relative, so do
just that. Your dead aunt wasn't special because she was the inspiration
for your still-available-on-Amazon novel about an English professor at
Smith. We all crave praise and more sales, but this isn't the time or
place—wait until you get married or die, and then maybe someone will
deliver a nice, selfless toast about you.
2. Keep it short.
Unless you're
Louis C.K.,
people don't want to hear you talk a lot. What's the one thing
they actually want from you? More time to go play Candy Crush.
minutes is the perfect toast length, and since you're not allowed to
talk about yourself, how much is there really to say, right? The moment
you go over five minutes, the interior monologue of every guest at the
party is, "Please shut up, please shut up…" Give people the gift of
surprise and delight by finishing up fast.
3. Embarrassing isn't the same as funny.
An embarrassing story is like nitroglycerin—you might get it to the
Nazi bridge in time, but it's more likely you'll blow up your own Jeep
The problem is the audience's lack of
context. They weren't there with you, or as drunk as you, when Rajiv
threw the stuffed tomato and knocked the dean off her bike. Also, the
embarrassing story is often the only thing that everyone remembers from
the event. Fifty years from now, people won't recall a word that the
minister said at the wedding. What they will have embedded in their
minds is the image you painted of Jennifer relieving herself in Casey's
Yes, you feel pressed to be
funny, but the humiliating story doesn't have much of an upside. And the
downside? Waking up in a cold sweat for the rest of your life. Go with
short and heartfelt instead.
4. Pick one story, maybe two.
Toasters often ramble from one anecdote to the next, turning their
speech into a trail mix of stories, frustrating listeners desperate to
find an M&M. Choose a single theme about your subject—Shannon looks
like the Mona Lisa; Bob would have made a great trapped Chilean
miner—and pick a story or two that let you say something amusing or
sweet to slam that theme through the hoop.
5. Write and rehearse.
Don't even think about winging it. Write your toast down, then print it
on note cards, because when you pull out big sheets of paper people's
hearts sink. Practice the toast out loud at least five times in front of
your cat (dogs are too easy an audience). You can memorize the speech,
but bring your cards anyway—it's easy to go blank in front of friends whose pensions you put into Enron stock in 1999.source:http://online.wsj.com
singing to toast is really cool.
ReplyDeleteWhen you are expressing your thought, you should be confidences in your self, and believe that you can do it, no matters how it may be, believe that you can do something. and always be focus to the people you are give the formations, do not be afraid of them but have confidences in yourself.
ReplyDeleteSet the scene with a little background on your relationship and imply that the day’s event marks a break of sorts. “Jimmy’s not going to be my little boy Scout anymore.
ReplyDeleteSet the scene with a little background on your relationship and imply that the day’s event marks a break of sorts.
ReplyDeleteeverybody love surprise, so start with surprise and end with a loving memory
ReplyDeleteWhen making a toast in life to people you must make them look happy, you must make them look surprise and make them eager to hear you out
ReplyDeleteSet the scene with a little background on your relationship and imply that the day’s event marks a break of sorts. “Jimmy’s not going to be my little boy Scout anymore.”
ReplyDeleteWrap up with a nod of support and invite guests to raise a glass. “Of all the colleges Jimmy could have chosen, he found his perfect fit, one with an amazing environmental-sciences program. Let’s toast to his new adventure
ReplyDeleteFirst thing you have to know is to believe in your self, and have a good ascent and end your story in a sensible manner.
ReplyDeleteWrap up with a nod of support and invite guests to raise a glass. “Of all the colleges Jimmy could have chosen, he found his perfect fit, one with an amazing environmental-sciences program. Let’s toast to his new adventure.
ReplyDeleteAddress the big turning point. “Once Jimmy got his college acceptance letter, he realized his potential. There was a whole world for him yet to explore
ReplyDeleteKeep it short. Unless you're Louis C.K., people don't want to hear you talk a lot. What's the one thing they actually want from you? More time to go play Candy Crush.
ReplyDeleteThree minutes is the perfect toast length, and since you're not allowed to talk about yourself, how much is there really to say, right? The moment you go over five minutes, the interior monologue of every guest at the party is, "Please shut up, please shut up…" Give people the gift of surprise and delight by finishing up fast.