Appropriate Use
should be avoided when possible. Because a telephone call is a private
communication, speakerphones shouldn't be used unless you can secure the
conversation. This means speakerphones are not appropriate for use in a
cubicle, which would disturb co-workers anyway. A private office must
be used, and the door must be shut. Realize that voice mail also should
not be checked on speaker, especially because you cannot obtain consent
from the person who left the message.
Effective Use
using a speakerphone makes conversations difficult, especially for the
person on speaker. Some people raise their voices when using
speakerphones, becoming too loud. Others are too far from the phone and
cannot always be heard. A person on the other end usually can tell if
someone has walked away from a phone and sometimes must strain to hear.
Company Guidelines
workplaces have etiquette guidelines or policies on the use of
speakerphones. Some don't allow them at all. Contact your human
resources department or supervisor for advice before putting someone on
Cooperative Use
conversations are cooperative affairs. It makes sense, then, to gain
the cooperation of your phone partner before you using your speakerphone
feature. Don't answer the phone with the speakerphone enabled. Ask if
it's all right to put the caller on speaker with a brief explanation of
why -- you want to refer to relevant files and need your hands free, for
instance. Make sure to tell the person you're talking to if someone
else is in the room, and introduce the third party. If your phone
partner asks to be taken off speakerphone, comply.
people see the speakerphone as an opportunity to multitask. Resist the
temptation. It's not only rude to split your attention, but it also
creates noise. People can hear typing, papers moving, the sound of
eating and other sounds. Such situations don't make for good business
conversations and may offend.
a headset instead of the speakerphone if your real aim is to keep your
hands free in order to take notes or refer to documents. If a group must
be party to a conversation, consider a conference call, a webinar that
links people online or through a central number or a group video chat
through a VoIP service such as Skype.
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