When it is a corporate event it is in your best interest to be on
time. Here there is no genuine excuse to be late as your character and
professionalism is put to the test. Most important announcements are
made early on in the day which you must be available to hear. Some like
the idea of being ‘’fashionably late’ ensuring they make a grand
entrance knowing that most people would have arrived, this does not work
in a corporate function. It is essential that once you have decided to
attend you should arrive within the first thirty minutes at the latest.
Schedule your time to be there for at least a couple of hours avoid
sneaking in to be noticed and then sneaking out. Remember if you do not
attend someone will always notice.
Inappropriate attire
Depending on the type of Corporate event your style of dress is a
detail you should not fail to take into deep consideration, it is still
an office event and not purely social. Your dress sense should be smart
and respectful, especially if you are representing your organization. It
is not a time for caps, bulky rings or jewellery. Even when it is a
family day out event avoid very tight jeans or t-shirts, low shorts or
hot pants, transparent tops or short summer dresses. How you dress
outside the office should also speak of your personality and
professional character.
Over eating/over drinking
At a time like this you may fall victim of letting your guard down a
little too much. You will need to pace yourself with the food. If
possible try to eat at home before attending, so that you are not solely
reliant on the food served. You are not there to just eat and enjoy the
handy work of the chef; your primary objective is to network. Remember
that you are constantly being watched and self discipline is highly
required where alcohol is being served. One too many drinks will set you
off on a rollercoaster as resultant loose lips can land you into
trouble. A glass or two is a safer option for that event. At times it is
recommended to avoid alcohol entirely.
Becoming a wallpaper
Not everybody likes to party or socialize; they may be an introvert
by nature. Even when in the office, such people may want to be by
themselves most times because they are shy, timid or very reserved. By
keeping to yourself throughout the party, you run the risk of keeping up
a barrier against future promotion. Corporate events are organized to
break that barrier and make you feel at ease. Avoid sticking to a corner
and becoming wall paper at events. This is poor team spirit and when it
comes to career advancement these are clear signs that can mark you
down. Start slowly and find those you share common interests with and
develop a rapport. During office gatherings, you must socialize. Do not
just attend for the sake of it as there is a reason behind all
Corporate social events provide a perfect avenue for gossiping and a
good way to reveal others true inner feelings and thoughts. Take note
that ‘’walls have ears’. A lot of rivalry and back biting occurs between
staff, especially when they hear what was being said about them through
a third party. As you are not in a position to authenticate what you
are hearing avoid gatherings where it is apparent they are gossiping.
Most importantly never join in rumour mongering or add your input to
such discussions as you may find that you are being falsely quoted.
Over flattering & making passes
The idea that there is a colleague that has been secretly admiring
you over time is not impossible. Events that allow you to unwind are
usually targeted for making a first move. Even when you have no
intention of making a pass at a colleague, avoid flirting. This means
not over praising their attire or looks, over praising their performance
on the job or sticking to them like glue all evening long. If you are
the superior, making a pass especially on your juniors, be it casual or
serious must be completely avoided. This is a serious corporate breach
and can be tantamount to sexual harassment or legal implications even
where you meant no harm.
Misrepresenting your Organization
The biggest mistake you can make in a corporate function is giving
yourself a false title. I have seen a number of times where people
represent themselves as senior personnel misleading a client. At times
people give false promises or give an impression that the company can
provide certain services. Be truthful to a client at all times, you do
not know who they have affiliations with or where you may likely meet
again. With one wrong and untruthful statement your organization could
lose a very big potential client. Do not misrepresent your organization
in anyway. You may redirect them to meet your boss if you are a junior
member of staff. As a senior personnel integrity is your most important
value, do not compromise it.
Jumping ship
You may have a long desire to work for a certain organization or
aspire to attain a certain position within or outside your
organization; during a corporate event you discover that important
decision makers of that organization are present. An attempt to solicit
audience for this purpose though tempting must be avoided. Your desire
to want to change jobs there and then will discredit your loyalty to
your present employers. If I were the decision maker and I was
approached in such a manner, I would automatically feel that you are not
fit to represent my organization, as chances are you will do the same
again.Showing anxiety
Finally this may be the first time you are meeting the Chief Executive Officer of your organization, you have heard so much about the person that you become overwhelmed with fear and anxiety. Alternatively you were told that over 500 staff will be in attendance at an upcoming event and are not sure how to comport yourself on the day. Pocket all forms of anxiety when attending corporate events; it does not help you when you deduce yourself so low. These are the little detail that bosses remember when you are being spoken about. You must show composure, charisma, good personality and above all great manners. Remember corporate events are the best place to exhibit all your leadership traits, and position your best self. It is all about you and how you want to be perceived by others. Your success in life depends on you.
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