Friday 28 November 2014

Revealing clothing is a fashion faux pas during business interviews.


General Approach

Modern CEOs come in many forms, from the sneaker-wearing tech startup variety to the highbrow Wall Street type. You're considered by many to be the gold standard to which all other employees should aspire. They might not be able to afford the clothing you wear, but what you wear shows them what they could one day become. Whether you are sitting in on interviews or are taking part in one as a candidate, aim to make your wardrobe reflect the highest standard for all the company's employees. In a world with many differing company cultures, the first step is to "suss out a company's fashion ethos," according to The Wall Street Journal.

If you're the CEO sitting in on an interview for new hires, you should have no problem knowing your own company's culture. In this case, you should wear what reflects that culture. If you're a CEO candidate, however, you'd better come to the interview knowing the company culture -- including its dress code -- very well. This means doing as much research as you can about the company. Read blogs, visit the company's website and talk to your recruiter. If you're still not sure what's expected of you, ask the hiring manager what you should wear and follow her advice.

Related Reading: How to Dress for an Interview for Teens

If the company's employees are expected to dress in business formal, do the same and go one step above. Dark suits convey a look of authority and should be of considerable quality to reflect your status as the CEO. A man should pair the suit with a solid-colored tie or one with a small pattern, advises Davidson Staffing. For either gender, wear a collared shirt, which projects authority, according to The Wall Street Journal. Make sure everything is pressed, neat and free of tears or stains. Remember, you're the face of this company -- or at least you aspire to be. Polish your shoes and wear good-quality socks. Even the little details matter. In addition, keep your accessories to a minimum.
Business Casual

If the company has a business casual or even a casual dress code, knowing what to wear to the interview gets a bit trickier. There are some basic rules, however. You can skip the tie, but don't mistake casual for sloppy. High-quality shirts and pants are still in order, and pressing your clothing is still a must. But instead of that dark-colored suit, you might wear an earth-toned designer sports jacket and pants. Or you could wear a suit, minus the tie and paired with a non-collared shirt. For women, try a pencil skirt and a collared shirt, paired with a signature pair of earrings or a pair of designer heels. Your shoes can be less formal than those shiny ones you'd wear with a suit, but don't arrive to an interview in sneakers. Aim to be dressed a little more formally than other employees without looking so formal that you're out of place.


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