Thursday 11 December 2014


In an increasingly social media-driven world, becoming a master networker is an important key to building both your personal brand and developing the friendships you’ll need to succeed. However, there are a few areas that need more than digital technology to grow your business. Consider these three tips to help you market faster and more effectively when integrated with your strategy.
#1: Focus on Relationships

It’s simple to build Facebook fans and Twitter followers. But how do you turn those digital encounters into quality networking opportunities? Take the time to send any new social media followers a personal message. Interact with them on a one-on-one basis as much as possible.  If your twitter account is your business’ name, be sure to introduce yourself to a new follower. For non-social media contacts, take time to build a business relationship with them.  People work with and recommend those they know and trust. Taking the extra time to focus on these relationships can greatly increase your networking efforts.
#2: Don’t Be Shy or Take Things Personally

There is little room in master networking for shyness. You have to be willing to talk with anyone and everyone about your business or brand. Adopt an attitude that any “no” answer is just a chance to move on to another interaction with another person. And never take  “I’m not interested” as an insult. Some people don’t want to hear your message, but they aren’t the kind of person that you’re looking for. Just because one person today didn’t want to discuss your brand or buy your product doesn’t mean that the next person will have the same attitude.  Read the news, check the scores, and do whatever else people in your field like to do — smalltalk is a perfect way to segue into a discussion about your business and make the right connections.
#3: Get Involved and Get Out There

Getting involved is probably the most important part of learning to become a master networker. Find groups in your area that meet to discuss business topics. Schedule marketing lunch meetings.  Look up local or national conventions for your field. Become a sponsor of a local event, a sports team, or another community event or organization. Become involved in charity functions. Each of these opportunities, even if they’re more personal interest than business related, allow you to interact with other individuals.   The not-so-well-kept secret about networking is that the master networker is always available for a chat. He or she makes sure to shake hands with every single guest at a party and knows how to make them smile.

While these three ways to become a master marketer might seem simple, it’s important to remember that failure to implement them on a regular basis can actually hurt your marketing efforts. Get out there, talk to others, build relationships, and watch your business or brand begin to flourish!


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