Wednesday 10 December 2014

Staying Relevant


As you know, the name of this blog is Life Optimizer and the topic is optimizing life. My goal with this blog is to optimize my life, share what I have learned with you, and learn from all of you.

But what do you think is the foundation to optimizing life? What is it that gives us the motivation to do that?

After thinking about it, I believe that the answer is appreciating life. Appreciating life is the starting point to optimizing it. Why? Because if you appreciate your life, you will want to make the most out of it. You will want to live your life to the fullest.

In my case, I believe that my life is a gift from God. Plus, I can only live my life once. For those reasons, I want to make the most out of it. I don’t want to regret not living my life to the fullest.

No matter where you are in life, start appreciating your life more. Be grateful for it. Realize that it is a miracle. Treat it as something precious, and don’t take it for granted.

You will then have the motivation to optimize it.


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