Thursday 11 December 2014



Being successful in one’s career is not easy. Sure, your expertise in any given field may help you advance faster than others, but still, it takes a lot of hard work, dedication and you have to know how to play the corporate “game”. Success isn’t something that is guaranteed. You don’t simply earn it from longevity. You have to learn your company’s recipe for success and stick with it. Granted, each company has a different recipe, but as pointed out in a recent Forbes article, there are four steps that are consistent across the board. Following these steps can help to guarantee your advancement up that corporate ladder.

Don’t Rely Too Much on Others

While teamwork is undoubtedly essential to getting the job done, you can’t rely 100 percent on the members of your team. In order to advance in your career, you have to stand out in the crowd. If you’re constantly relying on your team and not going above and beyond, what is it that sets you apart from any other person? Constantly be prepared for any situation that might unexpectedly come up. Think ten steps ahead. When you have a reputation of being reliable in any given situation, it will not go unnoticed by your superiors.

Be Consistent

While it might not put an end to your career, if you are someone that is consistently inconsistent, chances are, you will find yourself at a standstill. Your inconsistencies may not be enough to send you packing, but they certainly aren’t going to help you move forward in the company. Don’t overpromise and under-deliver; know your bandwidth and make promises that you can keep. And always be sure to deliver quality work.

Manage Your Reputation

It should go without saying that, beyond just the quality and consistency of your work, how others perceive you plays a huge factor in your success. Establish yourself as a leader that can be counted on. Think of your identity in the work place as your own personal brand. What can you do to amplify the success of your brand, without being too self-promotional?

Associate with the Right People

It’s important to establish working relationships with the right people. Be aware of people that have hidden agendas that will accept favors from you in order to advance their own careers, but won’t do the same for you. Though they may not be aware they are doing it, be aware of the people that are holding you back. These are not always the obvious and can include friendly coworkers, office enemies, superiors and even direct reports. Once you identify the negatives, focus on the positives, on the people helping push you forward, and figure out best ways to maximize those encouraging interactions.


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