Thursday 11 December 2014

Plug polygon colorful


Become the MVP-style leader in your organization, who supports colleagues in recognizing each other’s complementary talents and temperament. Why? Because, as Glenn Llopis observes, “Sustainable success is a function of how well the employees know each other’s strengths and utilize them rightly to maintain momentum.”
1. Be the Dot Connector

In the most fluid and high-performing workplace cultures, the differences in people, their cross-functional roles and department duties and the dynamics of hierarchy and rank are perfectly in sync.

Simply put, it’s about how the ‘dots connect’ within the workplace’s interconnected field of diverse personalities, capabilities and skills sets, competitiveness and expectations. Those leaders who can connect the dots become the Opportunity Makers with whom others most want to work. They enable colleagues to use best talents together more often, thus boosting performance, collective learning and a sense of meaning.
2. Start Us Off on the Right Foot

In the first meeting of a new team or committee, smart leaders ask each member to each describe one specific reason they are looking forward to working with the others. Framing the question to pull positive responses from them can jumpstart the Self-Fulfilling Prophecy Effect of being individually motivated to work well with and for each other.


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