Gaining publicity is usually a goal of every business. You could have the most revolutionary, awesome product or service, but how will you get it out there if people don’t know it exists? If you want to find your customers you’re going to need to start developing excellent public relations.
Getting into the spotlight might seem like a daunting and expensive task. Fortunately, with some creative thinking you can indeed get free publicity for your business. Whether budget is a huge concern for you or not, these techniques for free publicity can really help you succeed.
Making Sure You Have Presence
The very first means of gaining publicity is to make sure you actually exist! You should have developed both an online and offline presence that is worth sharing. Since the Internet has become the main means of communication and exposure, naturally you will need a killer website.
Though it may seem harsh, if you don’t have a website you and your company will probably not be taken seriously. A business website is one of the most important ways you can improve your appearance and convince other forms of publicity, like media, to take an interest.
Get Active in Organizations
Giving your time, services or even money to charities allows you to get closer to customers and do some networking. When a prominent member of a company is heavily involved with charities it really shows your values and builds trust. Send out flyers or press releases in local media prior to a charity. Remember to not make any event all about you! Don’t forget you’re there to help first and foremost.
Community outreach groups, networking groups and other groups can offer free publicity as well. Volunteering in community outreach programs has many similar benefits as charity work. Naturally, business networking groups are a great choice. Being an active, helpful and happy member can boost word-of-mouth recommendations.
Offer Guest Services
Obviously one of the best means of publicity would be your company featured in a publication, television program, or chosen to host an event. Achieving this isn’t as difficult as you’d think. Rather than waiting for these media venues to come to you, go to them. Ask publications if you could write as a guest columnist or just guest write an article. Contact radio or television programs and ask if they would be interested in having you on their program.
When you go out of your way to introduce yourself and take initiative, you show that you are serious about your company. Most of these types of gigs lead to even more free publicity as your brand starts to get out there and shown in a positive light.
There are a large number of ways you can gain free publicity for your company. The key is to choose a method, get started, and stick to it. Continue to spread the word about your business through press releases to sources that may feature your company.
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