Thursday 11 December 2014



I travel a lot, and in my travels, whether for business or pleasure, I try my best to stay in the same hotel chain. Why? Because I know what I’m going to get.

Similarly, when I’m traveling overseas, I actually look for a very recognizable quick service restaurant chain.  Why? Because I know what I’m going to get (and depending on where I’ve traveled, sometimes I just want food I recognize, HA!)

I’ve come to realize that this restaurant isn’t primarily in the food service business at all…they’re actually in the CONSISTENCY business. They just happen to sell fast food.

Consistency in delivery will keep customers coming back

How’s your company doing when it comes to delivering consistent service?  It’s so important to get it right because it is the foundation upon which the service event rests. Think about your own experience.  Why do you patronize the stores you do?  Isn’t one of the reasons because you know your expectations will be met?  You may say, “I just like shopping there, eating there, staying there,” but behind those words is consistency in delivery.

Process and People

A consistent delivery experience has two components—a clear process, and people to implement it.  You need both to be successful.  Here’s a simple five-step model that will help you to begin identifying where you’re at when it comes to having a process and the people in place to deliver a consistent customer experience every time.  Put it together and you’ll see it spells out “I CARE,” which is a great reminder also!

    Ideal Service—what’s your picture of the ideal experience you want your customers to have?
    Culture of Service—is your environment focused on the customer?
    Attentiveness—do you know your customers and their preferences?
    Responsiveness—do you and your people demonstrate a genuine willingness to serve? What specific behaviors do you want to see?
    Empowerment—are you taking the time—and providing the training—to empower your people to implement the service vision?

Organizations are only as good as their people.  This is especially true in any environment where you are directly dealing with customers.  Remember the I CARE model to improve your process and provide a model for your people. It’s one of the best ways to get started with creating the consistent experience that keeps customers coming back time and time again.  Get started today!


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