Wednesday 29 October 2014

Kids learning at school


1. Managing stress in a healthy way

Everyone faces stress, and your kids will, too. Establish schedules and routines, and then stick to them. Consistency and predictability will help control the environment and ease stress levels for the whole family.
2. Building and maintaining self-confidence

Identify students’ strengths to boost their confidence. Find out why they excel in one subject, and then apply that reason to areas where they may be struggling.
3. Handling rejection—and moving forward

As much as we hate to think about our children being rejected, at some point, it’s bound to happen. Create leadership roles at home, giving them the opportunity to learn how to handle failure in a safe place.
4. Being respectful

Be the example for your children. Modeling positive behavior shows them the proper way to treat and respect people.
5. Interacting with friends and adults, online and in person

Set clear boundaries on whom they should and should not be contacting, especially through social media. Teach students to be responsible for their actions.


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