Wednesday 29 October 2014

How to increase metabolism and boost weight loss


Why metabolism matters

What is metabolism and why is it so important?
Metabolism is the process of your body breaking down fats, proteins and carbs for energy. While some people complain of having a slow metabolism and envy those blessed with a faster one, don’t feel you are doomed to weight gain because of your genes. You have the power to change this by following these tips to increase metabolism and improve your weight loss through:

How to increase metabolism

Eat Protein: Getting enough protein can boost your metabolism. 10-35% of your daily calories should come from protein.
Add Spices: Capsaicin, a compound found in hot peppers, may stimulate your body to burn calories faster. Spice up your food to increase metabolism.
Source - Laval University in Canada
Choose good carbs: ‘Good carbs’ like brown rice, pasta, oatmeal and wholegrain bread makes your body work harder to digest them – which can help to increase metabolism. Refined carbs can increase insulin production, which promotes storage of fat and a sluggish metabolism.
Source - New York Presbyterian Weill Cornell Medical Centre
Eat Oily fish: Omega 3 fatty acids found in oily fish, increases the level of fat-burning enzymes in your body and lowers levels of fat-storage. Include oily fish in your diet regularly.
Source - University of Ontario
Drink Green tea: Drinking green tea can help fight obesity and lower cholesterol levels due to its ability to increase metabolism and lower LDL ‘bad cholesterol’ levels.
Source - Studies in the Netherlands and Japan
Drink Milk: Consuming milk (dairy or soy), low-fat yoghurt or cheese 3-4 times a day can help you lose 70% more body fat than people on a dairy-free diet. Calcium revs up your metabolism, causing you to burn fat more efficiently.
Source - Michael Zemel, Ph.D, Director of Nutrition, University of Tennessee
Pump Iron: Every pound of muscle burns 50 calories per day even while resting. Muscle is also leaner than body fat so you will gain a more toned shape.
Start Interval training: When jogging or walking sprint for 30 seconds every 3 minutes. This will help you burn calories at a higher level even when you have finished working out.
Source - Author of The Metabolism Advantage
Mix it up: Alternating your exercises is a great way to increase your metabolism as you exercise different muscles each time, which can prompt your body to work harder.
Morning exercise: Exercising when you get up in the morning is a great way to kick-start your metabolism. Even a brief 15 minute workout will get things moving and you will burn calories more efficiently throughout the day.
Keep moving: “If you don’t move it, you won’t lose it”. Many of us have desk-bound jobs or lead inactive lifestyles. So keep yourself moving as much as possible; take the stairs, walk to work and, get off the bus a stop earlier. All these little things will boost your metabolism so you can keep burning calories.
Eat breakfast: This isn’t a myth. Those who eat breakfast lose more weight than those who skip it. Why? Because your metabolism slows down when you sleep and doesn’t rev up again until you eat.
Source - Barbara Rolls, Ph.D., Professor of Nutrition, Penn State University
Eat often: Breaking up your three main meals into 5-6 mini-meals will keep your metabolism ticking over 24/7. It will also prevent you from going without food so long that you become too hungry and overeat.
Source - Pamela Peeke, author of Fight Fat After Forty
Keep Some calories: Many people think the less they eat, the quicker they will lose weight - wrong! If you drop your calories suddenly, your metabolism will slow down as a survival mechanism because it assumes you are starving. Keep your calories to a minimum of 1,200 per day and you will lose weight more effectively.
Source - University of California at Davis
Drink Water: An engine won’t work without lubrication and neither will your body. Not drinking enough water can make for a sluggish metabolism, so drink 1.5 – 2 litres per day and keep your metabolism moving at a steady pace.
Skip Alcohol: Your body sees alcohol as a toxin and seeks to burn it off first in order to get rid of it. So if you drink before or with a meal, the calories in the food are more likely to be stored as fat rather than being burned for energy. Taking a break from alcohol ensures your metabolism will work more efficiently.
Detox: A good detox can cleanse your system and help your metabolism to work more efficiently. A quick liver detox is to drink a glass of hot water with a squeeze of lemon first thing in the morning.
Help others by sharing your advice. If you have a proven tip that we haven't listed, leave a comment and let us know.


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