Wednesday 29 October 2014

Weight loss quiz, discover your dieting destiny


Are your diet choices less than perfect? Your diet reflects the way you look and feel. Now is the time to revamp your eating habits and change your ‘poor dieting’ destiny.
Answer these questions and discover what your weight loss destiny!

1. What is your favourite meal time?

a) Late at night, when other people aren't around.
b) Tea time, it is the last meal you have before bed.
c) You love breakfast; it sets you up for the day.
The thought of having to eat food at set times is alarming, you eat whenever you feel like it.
e) There are days when you eat 3 square meals, other times you just eat whatever you feel like.

2. How successful have previous dieting attempts been?

a) You tend to lose motivation, as no one ever notices if you have lost weight.
b) The short term results are good but you can never stick to diets, so the weight always piles back on.
c) You've lost weight recently and managed to maintain it by eating healthily and exercising.
d) You have never dieted before and don’t know where to start.
e) Your weight can fluctuate wildly from week to week.

3. Describe your perfect dinner?

a) A convenience meal, you don’t see the point in cooking large spreads of food.
b) It depends on the current diet you are following. One month you could be having shakes for dinner, the next it could be meat and lettuce leaves.
c) Meat or fish with rice and a large serving of vegetables.
d) Any take away.
e) Sometimes you eat little more than salad but as soon as you lose a few pounds you treat yourself to a large slap up.

4. What is your preferred exercise routine?

a) You hate the thought of someone seeing you in that itsy bitsy gym outfit so you stick to a few star jumps or the exercise bike at home.
b) Whatever the new craze is, last month it was Pilates this month boxercise.
c) You love exercise and vary your regime from day to day.
d) You rarely manage to sustain a routine for more than a few days, exercise bores you.
e) You have a tendency to take exercise to the extreme, doing 3 hours one day and then nothing for the rest of the week.

5. When you achieve weight loss success what are your thoughts?

a) You did it all on your own.
b) It is all thanks to the detox diet you carried out.
c) Even though you have lost weight you have to remain motivated and focused.
d) Since you have never stuck to a diet for more than a day, it was down to some illness.
e) Give it a week and the weight will be back on again!

6. What do you hope to gain from your diet?

a) Hopefully you will feel more confident.
b) A quick fix weight loss solution.
c) You want to improve all aspects of your lifestyle.
d) Some knowledge of healthy eating.
e) Long lasting results instead of the vicious cycle of losing and regaining you seem to be trapped in.

7. What is your dieting mantra?

a) My doctor told me to stop having intimate dinners for four. Unless there are three other people.
b) Amazing new weight loss discovery!
c) There are two things you should never eat before breakfast (lunch and dinner).
d) How can I go on a diet? The refrigerator is still full.
e) The second day of a diet is always easier than the first. By the second day, you're off it.

Count up your score!

Mostly A’s

When it comes to food you are what one might call an antisocial eater, you prefer to eat alone and tend to use food as a comfort tool when you are feeling stressed. It is not unusual for you to avoid set meals during the day and overeat in the evening time when you are feeling bored or lonely.
You may need to talk to someone about improving your poor dietary habits. Try eating in more social settings, with your family or friends for example. Learn to savour food and put more thought into the nutritional content of meals.

Mostly B’s

Tired of following faddy diets? I don’t blame you. You are willing to try just about anything to achieve the shape you want, but you need to realise in doing so you may be putting your health at risk. Faddy diets simply do not work. The most effective method of losing weight and maintaining this weight loss is though a combination of healthy eating and exercise.
Forget about the cabbage soup diets claiming you can lose “1 stone in a week”. The fact is, claims such as this are misleading. Aim to lose weight at a slow, steady rate and remember weight loss of more than 1-2 lbs per week is not a realistic goal for most people.

Mostly C’s

Wow. You are top of the class when it comes to understanding nutrition do’s and don’ts! You realise the importance of healthy eating and are not willing to sacrifice your health by embarking on unhealthy diets. You take a holistic approach to your health and wellbeing.

Mostly D's

Nutrition is not a word you know a lot about. You do not eat healthily and have no idea where to begin. You find motivation wanes at the very mention of "diet" or "health". Do you know people who eat unhealthily and do not get regular exercise are at a much greater risk of serious illnesses than their healthier peers?

Mostly E’s

You are on your own virtual dieting roundabout. You make progress but find that no sooner do you lose a few pounds than it goes straight back on again. As a yo-yo dieter, you find it very difficult to stick to a healthy eating plan. Our meal plans will help you to stay on track and if you are worried that motivation is ebbing just contact the nutritionists or customer service team. They are always there to help you get on track and provide you with guidance.


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