Friday, 20 February 2015


culled from:
Do you think your relationship has grown stale? Are your friends single, and you feel like you’re missing out on something when they go out to bars and you’re left at home? If you’re truly unhappy, you might be better off ending things. But just in case you’re only swept up in temporary emotions – here are ten signs that your relationship is worth keeping.

1. You Have Fun.

Whether you’re staying in or out on a date, you have fun with your partner. It doesn’t matter what you’re doing, just being together is enough to have a great time.

2. Your Partner is One of Your Favorite People.

It’s healthy to have friends outside of your relationship, but is your partner one of your best friends? If so, that’s a good sign. After all, don’t you love spending time with your friends? If your partner is one of your favorite people, you’ll value him/her as a person, not just because they’re your significant other.

3. You Still Get Butterflies.

Sometimes hugging and kissing feels like an obligation, something you do on your way out the door. That’s understandable, because our lives are busy. But take time together. Steal a moment and share a tender kiss without a ticking clock. Do you still feel butterflies in your belly? Do you get goosebumps? This is a good sign that you’re still passionately invested in your relationship.

4. You’re Both Communicating.

As you become more familiar with your partner, you might stop sharing things because you expect them to already know everything about you or you might not have time to tell them what happened during your work day. Communication is one of the most important parts of a relationship. If you and your partner still talk, still share daily occurrences as well as hopes and dreams, then you’re both putting forth the effort that a solid relationship requires.

5. You’re Open With Each Other.

Healthy relationships are based on honesty. Don’t keep secrets from your partner – unless it’s their birthday present! Don’t snoop on their phone or in their email. You have to be open with your partner, and you have to trust that they’re being just as honest with you.

6. You Can Work Through Any Problems.

If you’re having trouble in your relationship (which, face it, everyone does at some point), you and your partner are able to work through it. This means you’ll have to draw on your communication skills, as well as your deep love and respect for each other. Having senseless shouting matches is something you might have done as a teenager, but in an adult relationship, you need to talk things through and work it out together.

7. You’re Not Attracted to Anyone Else.

Ok, this one might seem like a tall order. You can still be attracted to others – that’s just human nature. But there’s a difference between seeing someone pass by and admitting they’re attractive and following them to get their phone number. Are you attracted to someone else to the extent that you want to fool around with them, or be in a relationship with them? If so, then you might need to be up front with your current sweetie and end things. If you’re just checking out the eye candy and moving on, it’s healthy and you’re probably in a worthwhile relationship.

8. You Can Be Yourself.

Do you have to act like you’re into a certain sport or band to have a good time with your partner? Or can you admit when you don’t like a certain movie or book? If you feel like you have to act like someone else to be liked, then you’re not in a good place. If you’re able to be yourself and have things in common or not, then you’ll work towards building a stronger relationship.

9. You’re Able to Grow Together.

You and your partner want the same things, right? If you want different things, are you willing to compromise? Do you both acknowledge there’s a future? If you want to stay in a committed relationship, you need to both know where it’s going, and be willing to work on it together.

10. You Don’t Want to Be Without Them.

It’s obvious you’re in love because you’re in a relationship, but the bottom line is – do you enjoy being with them more than you enjoy being without them? It’s normal to want to be alone sometimes, but if you’d rather be alone or with other friends all the time, you might need to cut your partner loose and spend some more time getting to know yourself. But if you hate the thought of being apart from your partner for too long, or being without them completely, then your relationship is definitely worth keeping.
Relationships are tricky. And there are no shortage of unhealthy ones out there. Check out the cover of any gossip magazine if you want

1 comment:

  1. See your partner not only as a lover but also has your best friend. Friends for life is the key word.
