Monday 2 February 2015

clothes animated GIF


Whether it’s a date date or you’re just hanging out after school, the first time you chill with your crush can be a mix of exciting, awkward, and totally nerve-wracking. Here are 12 questions that go through every girl’s head during a first date.
1. What should I wear? You send a million Snapchats to your friends hours before to ask for their input. Should I rock a crop top, or not? Will that look too fancy? Is this too dressed down? Can you help me choose one out of the 20 different outfits I have laid out on my bed right now?!
2. Is there food on my face? Why. Is. He. Staring? This is why Chipotle was a bad idea. There’s probably guac on the side of my mouth. #Gross.
3. What do we talk about? Would it be cheesy to ask what his favorite color is? I just can’t with the awkward silence.
4. Does my breath doesn't smell bad? Hmmmm, Olive Garden breadsticks, or nah?
5. OMG. Do I have to fart/burp? Damn burrito! Can he tell I’m holding it in? Please, body, cooperate. Do not embarrass me!
6. Where are we going? He just asked, “Wanna hang out?”  So now I have no idea how much makeup to wear, or whether I should go for sneaks or something ~FaNcY~. Ugh.
7. Why do I have to pick a place/thing to do?! You asked me out and now you're asking me what I want to do?! Isn't the person who asked supposed to figure out the plans? Pizza, nice restaurant, or Netflix? Decisions, decisions.
8. Is this, like, a date date?. Are we just hanging out, or is this the real deal?
9. What shoud I do when the check comes? Will he pay? Or does he expect me to split the bill? Should I offer to pay?
10. To kiss or not to kiss? AWKWARD.
11. Should I text him after? When do I text him to let him know I had a great time without looking like a creeper?
12. Sooo are we going to hang out again? Is it OK to ask him to hang out again?


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