Monday 2 February 2015


1. Don't rub your fragrance after you've sprayed it on.
"Spray it on your wrists the back of your neck, or mist it into the air and walk through it," says Mark Knitowski, vice president of product innovation and fragrance for Victoria's Secret. "But whatever you do, don't rub it in because this will make the top note disappear quickly, leaving you with only the middle and base notes, rather than the full fragrance."
2. Opt for a scented nail polish over a non-scented one.
Scented nail polish doesn't have the fume-tastic odor of regular nail polishes, and breathes on the nail, which allows subtle fragrance emission throughout the day. Try Revlon Scented Parfum Nail Enamel, $5,
3. Wash your hair when it gets greasy to avoid hair odor (H.O.).
The hair equivalent of B.O. is H.O., and it happens when your hair is at its greasiest state. If you don't know what I'm talking about you either already wash your hair on a regular basis or you've been the girl with H.O. and none of your friends are brave enough to tell you. You don't have to wash your hair every single day, but if you ever notice it getting super greasy, definitely shampoo.
4. Use a pillow and sheet spray.
Spritzing your pillows and sheets allows the scent to envelope you and whoever you're sleeping with when you're lying in bed, says Victoria Secret's Knitowski. "But not in an overpowering way." Try Victoria's Secret Aphrodisiac Room & Pillow Spray, $18,
5. Febreeze your closet.
If your clothes don't have that brand new car-digan smell anymore, pick up some Febreeze and just spritz it around your clothes to keep everything smelling fresh. Says Knitowski, "A formula like this contains ingredients that neutralize odor, but doesn't leave a scent behind. It simply evaporates the odor and voila!"
6. Carry a travel foot spray in your purse.
If your feet tend to smell after walking around all day, then you've been there: that dreaded moment when you have to take off your shoes to try on new ones or to curl up next to your lover on the couch. Either way, having smelly feet can ruin the moment, be it shopping or cuddling. So, to make sure your foot odor doesn't precede you as soon as you slip off your booties, freshen up in a pinch by carrying a travel size foot spray with you, like this one from Avon Foot Works Antifungal Foot Spray, $4,
7. Keep a perfumed sachet in your sock and underwear drawer.
"Sachets are key because they have material that absorb odor and distribute fragrance over time," Says Knitowski. Try Lollia Relax Sea Salt Sachet, $14,
8. Invest in a hair spray that's really perfume for your hair.
I'm not talking about the kind that offers hold, I mean a straight-up, aerosol fragrance spray specifically for your hair. "If you're worried about your hair smelling too strongly (in a good way), don't worry, the molecules in an aerosol fragrance are much tinier, so they won't overwhelm you," says Knitowski. "A formula like this, as the day goes on, will also keep getting refreshed by the heat of your head, so spray it on in the morning before work and again before you go out."
9. Keep an oil-based rollerball on you at all times.
Obviously you want to smell incredible all day long, but sometimes we want a more potent scent (hi, Saturday night!) over a more subtle one. If you want an "I've arrived" kind of scent that's long-lasting, use an oil-based rollerball. "These types are easy to stash in your pocket or purse — plus, oils stay on your skin longer and give off a stronger scent because they're more concentrated than alcohol-based ones," says Knitowski. Try Juara Tiare Jasmine Perfume Oil, $28,

10. Fight unpleasant odors down there by keeping your sweet spot smelling, well, sweet.
When you're dealing with an area that's buried beneath layers of clothing, the scent revealed once you disrobe isn't always the prettiest. So, freshen up your flower midday with a baby wipe or on-the-go towelette. Try Sweet Spot On-the-Go Wipes, $12,
11. Spray your bare torso with fragrance.
"Spraying perfume over your torso and even behind your knees offers up added benefit, because there is a certain amount of heat that is generated in these areas," says Knitowski. "So when you get close to your guy or if your curled up next to him, you'll give off more of your signature scent."
12. Pick a killer beauty product combo.
Ancillaries are awesome and here's why: "If you want to intensify your scent as the day goes on, apply a fragrant moisturizer in the morning, because it isn't as heavy and won't offend your co-workers, and then before you go out for drinks, refresh it with a body mist," Knitowski explains. "This also reinstates the top note, which dissipates the quickest because it contains the smallest molecule." Try Victoria's Secret Love Spell Hydrating Body Lotion, $12, and Victoria's Secret Love Spell Travel-Size Fragrance Mist, $4,
13. If you tend to get dry mouth, carry gum.
"Bad breath comes from dry mouth," says Michael Apa, DDS, a cosmetic dentist in NYC. "And if you have low salivary flow, you can't produce enough saliva to rinse away bacteria. So, to stimulate your salivary glands, chew sugarless gum with xylitol for fresher-smelling breath. However, if the problem persists, talk to your dentist."
14. Stay away from alcohol-containing mouthwash.
"Alcohol dries out your mouth and minimizes your salivary flow (which could lead to dry mouth!), meaning it can actually cause bad breath," says Apa. "Instead, swish around an alcohol-free rinse like Act that will keep your breath smelling the best."


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