Tuesday 3 February 2015


culled from:http://www.lifehack.org
Being single is awesome. Am I right? While it can be a drag third-wheeling and Tinder-ing your way through life, being single is, overall, a great experience. Not only does it let you have a little fun, but it can be a great way to date the number one person in your life: yourself. Here are 15 ways to make the single life the best life.

1. Be spontaneous.

Without a significant other, you don’t need to run things by another person before you jump in. Suppose you want to get a pet: no one is stopping you! (Except maybe your landlord, depending on your lease…) The point is, you can make snap decisions and enjoy them, because there’s no one there to consult. The only feelings that matter are your own!

2. Travel.

Traveling alone can be an incredibly rewarding experience. Go someplace you’ve never been, either solo or with a bunch of pals. You’ll be amazed at how much fun you can have. Leave relationship traveling for another time. After all, traveling as a couple is what honeymoons are for!

3. Spend time with those who matter most.

Relationships come and go, but friends and family are often around for much, much longer. Your singleness is an opportunity to spend quality time with those in your life that matter the most to you. You don’t want to look back and regret not having spent enough time with someone when you had the chance.

4. Read.

Reading is one of the best ways to entertain and educate yourself at the same time. We all give the same excuse: I wish I had the time to read more. Well, without a special someone in your life chewing up time, spend it instead with a good book. Better yet, some of the best relationships are the ones that you will forge with fictional characters.

5. Work hard and play hard.

Live it up now that you have the time and energy to do so. Don’t let anything stop you from tackling everything head on, whether that’s in school, at work, or in play. Start now! (That is, by reading the rest of this article–we love that you’re playing hard by visiting Lifehack!)

6. Reflect.

In between all that working and playing, make sure you reflect on your choices and yourself. Are you happy with what you did today? Is there room for improvement? Don’t criticize too harshly, but remember to take the time to think about yourself and your life. It’s important to let these reflections guide you.

7. Take up a new hobby.

Is there something you’ve been dying to try recently, like yoga or knitting? Stop stalling and do it already! The single life is all about you, so try something new and really sink your teeth into it.

8. Stay out and sleep in.

No one waiting at home means no getting home by a certain time at night (or morning…). So stay out as late as you want and don’t come home until you’re ready. Sleep ’til the afternoon and laze around all day. No one will know!

9. Learn how to be alone.

While singleness is great, it can be hard sometimes to be alone with your thoughts so often. However, learning how to be alone is important. Not only will it let you be comfortable in most situations, but you can prove to yourself that you’re independent and don’t need to rely on a significant other to be happy.

10. Find your “thing.”

Everybody has something that they really enjoy doing. Whatever that is for you, this is your chance to focus on it as much as you want. It’s yours, and you don’t have to share it with anybody.

11. Say yes.

Take advantage of opportunities that come your way by saying yes! No matter how big or how small, commit to saying yes whenever you can. It will open up more doors than you think!

12. Figure out who you are.

This is your opportunity to get to know yourself and really connect with your values and thoughts. Use this chance to assess these. Later, you’ll need this information about yourself when new love interests enter your life.

13. Get out there.

Really put yourself out there. It doesn’t matter how or in what way, but use this time to really make yourself open to possibilities and up for anything. There’s no time like the single present.

14. Enjoy the freedom.

You can do whatever you want, so figure out what that is and go do it! Take advantage of this time and make it count.

15. Be single.

The best way to enjoy being single is by…being single. Don’t go looking for love just yet. It will come along, and when it does, you’ll be ready for it.


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