It's that time again. The end of a new year always presents a time to pause and to reflect on the accomplishments of the past year. It is also the time that we define our resolutions for change in the year ahead.
I'm not one to make resolutions, preferring to think that I tend to keep things real most of the time, therefore reducing the need to make broad proclamations. That said, I am one to commit to making changes to improve myself and my surroundings.
Here are five simple changes worth making. They will improve your health and effectiveness as a leader. Best of all, they can be put into effect with very little effort. The changes worth considering include:
- Drink More Water: Water makes up 80 percent of our brains. We need it to think right. So, drink more water. It will improve our brain function and help us make better decisions.
- Laugh: Laughter puts us in a parasympathetic state, which means it slows the heart rate, increases intestinal and gland activity, and relaxes muscles in the gastrointestinal tract. So, you'll find it relaxing when you're done with a good belly laugh. It also helps us maintain perspective, a trait that can come in handy throughout the year.
- Exercise: We're built to move. Hence, it's a good idea to put some time in our schedule to move around. Sure, regular exercise can reduce our risk for a whole host of "bad" things, including heart disease, diabetes and osteoporosis. But, I exercise most everyday just because it reduces stress and helps me better deal with the challenges that come in today's work world.
- Get Some Quiet Time: If you can schedule a meeting, you can schedule some quiet time. So, please don't start with the excuse that I don't have the time for quiet and reflection. I like it because it gives me a chance to imagine the possibilities for tomorrow.
- Get Your Sleep: Sleep is a basic human need. A lack of it can lead can have severe consequences on your memory, health, looks, ability to lose weight and even your sex life. It's important for all of us because it is a restorative time for our bodies and minds. Adopt a regular bedtime and wake time schedule that gives your body what it needs for optimal performance.
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