Monday 2 February 2015

tom brady gisele
culled from:

There's something special about highly successful people.
They might look like everyone else, but they think and act differently. They set big goals for themselves, and they consistently accomplish them. And if they fail occasionally, which we all do, they just pick themselves up and try again — lesson learned.
Highly successful people share seven powerful habits that, when adopted and applied each and every day, virtually guarantees that they will always be a step or two ahead of the rest of the pack.
They are:
1. Self-starters
Successful people don't wait for someone else to tell them what to do, or when to do it — they take action themselves. When you're a self-starter, you look for opportunities all around you, and when you identify one, you act. That's the essence and the fuel for success in business and in life.
2. Resourceful
Successful people don't let problems or obstacles get in their way or slow them down. They're resilient — they try a variety of different solutions until they find one that works, and they never give up.
3. Enthusiastic
Successful people have real passion and enthusiasm for the work they do, and they aren't afraid to let it show. Their enthusiasm is real — it comes from their hearts — and it's infectious, spreading to coworkers and customers alike.
4. Innovative
Successful people are creative and innovative. Instead of doing things the same way over and over again, they look for better, faster, and lower-cost solutions to common problems. They experiment and are willing to take risks — and occasionally fail — in pursuit of their goals.
5. Team players
Successful people know that they can't do it all themselves. By leveraging the power of teamwork, they can achieve far more than they ever could alone. So they join or put together teams of talented and energetic individuals who can help them achieve their goals.
6. Articulate
Successful people are good communicators — they know what to say, how to say it well, and who to say it to. They're also good listeners — taking
7. Networked
Successful people build extensive networks of contacts — both in the office, and outside of it. They leverage their network to help them take advantage of opportunities, and to solve problems.


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