Friday 27 February 2015

A couple getting engaged


Many singles look forward to the day they will say "I do" the one they love with all their heart and soul.
As sweet as marriage may seem, it requires a lot of hard work and dedication to keep it strong and make it last 'forever'.
So, if you've found 'The One' and you two are already planning to tie the knot, there are certain issues you need to clear up before making that bold step.
Here are seven important things couples need to talk about before getting married:
  1. Introduce spirituality into the relationship early: The issue of intimacy is one that has resulted in serious debates over the years. In these modern times, sex before marriage is okay, but spiritually, it isn't. You two need to agree early on whether you want to go ahead and include sex in your relationship or not. This will prevent any misunderstanding from arising on this same issue later on in your relationship.
  2. Talk openly about money: One of the things that destroys marriages easily is money. You and your spouse to be have to completely be on the same page on this one. Do you have any pending debts that may follow you into marriage? Do you share the same view about credit cards or not? These are some of the important things that needs to be clarified.
  3. Talk honestly about your likes and dislikes: You have to realize that the two of you are coming from different families, with different backgrounds, and therefore, you will not always agree on the same thing or like what the other does. Ask yourselves what things or issues get you really upset. Also, talk honestly about your feelings for each other. Why do you love your partner? If that quality no exists in them, would you still love them?
  4. Learn to stop criticizing your partner: Constructive criticisms can help make a person better, but always pointing out their flaws at every giving opportunity will only tear them apart. Learn to stop highlighting your partners mistakes and making a big deal out of them. Rather, talk to him/her frankly and lovingly on how to curb their excesses, and correct them politely when there's need for you to.
  5. Conflict resolution: Both of you need to agree on the best methods to handle conflict in the home. Will you need counselling to go through every difficult patch or will your rather resolve your issues together? Will you settle your problems when they occur or would you wait till a later time to address them?
  6. Having children: In Nigeria, children are regarded as a compulsory part of marriage. This however, does not mean you cannot decide not to have them. That's a decision that is up to you and your partner, but needs to be decided before you get married. How many children will you have? How soon will you have them? These need to be properly settled before you sign the dotted lines and become Mr and Mrs.
  7. Talk about the future: The wedding is just one day, but the marriage is an entire lifetime. Do you two have shared dreams? What are your plans for the next five years or so? You and your partner must be in complete agreement on how your future home will be run.


  1. All these are very vital in marriage, as such one need to adhere to them.


  2. Marriage is an eternity agreement, before signing the contract of marriage,the two set of people must understand and trust each other.
